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Last active November 6, 2019 05:54
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Grapevine Sound GMCP Messages

Migrated to an issue on Grapevine


GMCP Sound Protocol

Inspired by MSP

Enable Sound

The client will enable sound by including "Client.Sounds 1" as part of the initial Core.Supports messages.

Core.Supports.Set ["Client.Sounds 1", ...]

Play File

Send a Client.Sounds.Start event to start playing a sound or music file.

Client.Sounds.Start {
  "key": "zone-background-music",
  "url": "",
  "type": "music",
  "volume": 100,
  "loops": -1,
  "continue": true,
  "priority": 51
  • key: required, string, this is a unique key that will identify the sound in future events
  • url: required, string, URL to fetch the sound file at, this should be an mp3 or m4a
  • type: optional, string, default "sound", options "music" or "sound"
  • volume: optional, integer, 1-100, default 50, relative volume that the sound will play at
  • loops: optional, integer, -1 or 1+, default 1, number of loops that the sound file should play before stopping, -1 continues until a stop event is sent
  • continue: optional, boolean, default true, if true the sound file will continue playing if already playing, false will restart the sound
  • priority: optional, integer, 1-100, default 50, if a higher priority sound comes in, all sounds of the same type under it will stop playing


Play a combat sound.

Client.Sounds.Start {
  "key": "combat",
  "url": ""

Interrupt your sword swing with the enemy blocking.

Client.Sounds.Start {
  "key": "block",
  "url": "",
  "priority": 51

Play zone background music.

Client.Sounds.Start {
  "key": "zone-background-music",
  "url": "",
  "type": "music",
  "loops": -1,
  "continue": true

Migrate to a new zone.

Client.Sounds.Start {
  "key": "zone-background-music",
  "url": "",
  "type": "music",
  "loops": -1,
  "continue": false

Continue playing the zone's background, but add in a passing storm.

Client.Sounds.Start {
  "key": "storm",
  "url": "",
  "type": "music",
  "loops": -1,
  "continue": false

Stop the storm, the zone background will continue playing.

Client.Sounds.Stop {
  "key": "storm"

Stop File

To stop a sound file that may be running, send an event with the specific key to stop.

Client.Sounds.Stop {
  "key": "zone-background-music"

To stop all sounds, send an event with no key.

Client.Sounds.Stop {}
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