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Last active August 13, 2024 02:39
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F# Code Samples
// This sample will guide you through elements of the F# language.
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// Contents:
// - Integers and basic functions
// - Booleans
// - Strings
// - Tuples
// - Lists and list processing
// - Classes
// - Generic classes
// - Implementing interfaces
// - Arrays
// - Sequences
// - Recursive functions
// - Record types
// - Union types
// - Option types
// - Pattern matching
// - Units of measure
// - Parallel array programming
// - Using events
// - Database access using type providers
// - OData access using type providers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Integers and basic functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module Integers =
let sampleInteger = 176
/// Do some arithmetic starting with the first integer
let sampleInteger2 = (sampleInteger/4 + 5 - 7) * 4
/// A list of the numbers from 0 to 99
let sampleNumbers = [ 0 .. 99 ]
/// A list of all tuples containing all the numbers from 0 to 99 and their squares
let sampleTableOfSquares = [ for i in 0 .. 99 -> (i, i*i) ]
// The next line prints a list that includes tuples, using %A for generic printing
printfn "The table of squares from 0 to 99 is:\n%A" sampleTableOfSquares
module BasicFunctions =
// Use 'let' to define a function that accepts an integer argument and returns an integer.
let func1 x = x*x + 3
// Parenthesis are optional for function arguments
let func1a (x) = x*x + 3
/// Apply the function, naming the function return result using 'let'.
/// The variable type is inferred from the function return type.
let result1 = func1 4573
printfn "The result of squaring the integer 4573 and adding 3 is %d" result1
// When needed, annotate the type of a parameter name using '(argument:type)'
let func2 (x:int) = 2*x*x - x/5 + 3
let result2 = func2 (7 + 4)
printfn "The result of applying the 1st sample function to (7 + 4) is %d" result2
let func3 x =
if x < 100.0 then
2.0*x*x - x/5.0 + 3.0
2.0*x*x + x/5.0 - 37.0
let result3 = func3 (6.5 + 4.5)
printfn "The result of applying the 2nd sample function to (6.5 + 4.5) is %f" result3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Booleans
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module SomeBooleanValues =
let boolean1 = true
let boolean2 = false
let boolean3 = not boolean1 && (boolean2 || false)
printfn "The expression 'not boolean1 && (boolean2 || false)' is %A" boolean3
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Strings
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module StringManipulation =
let string1 = "Hello"
let string2 = "world"
/// Use @ to create a verbatim string literal
let string3 = @"c:\Program Files\"
/// Using a triple-quote string literal
let string4 = """He said "hello world" after you did"""
let helloWorld = string1 + " " + string2 // concatenate the two strings with a space in between
printfn "%s" helloWorld
/// A string formed by taking the first 7 characters of one of the result strings
let substring = helloWorld.[0..6]
printfn "%s" substring
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Tuples (ordered sets of values)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module Tuples =
/// A simple tuple of integers
let tuple1 = (1, 2, 3)
/// A function that swaps the order of two values in a tuple.
/// QuickInfo shows that the function is inferred to have a generic type.
let swapElems (a, b) = (b, a)
printfn "The result of swapping (1, 2) is %A" (swapElems (1,2))
/// A tuple consisting of an integer, a string, and a double-precision floating point number
let tuple2 = (1, "fred", 3.1415)
printfn "tuple1: %A tuple2: %A" tuple1 tuple2
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Lists and list processing
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module Lists =
let list1 = [ ] /// an empty list
let list2 = [ 1; 2; 3 ] /// list of 3 elements
let list3 = 42 :: list2 /// a new list with '42' added to the beginning
let numberList = [ 1 .. 1000 ] /// list of integers from 1 to 1000
/// A list containing all the days of the year
let daysList =
[ for month in 1 .. 12 do
for day in 1 .. System.DateTime.DaysInMonth(2012, month) do
yield System.DateTime(2012, month, day) ]
/// A list containing the tuples which are the coordinates of the black squares on a chess board.
let blackSquares =
[ for i in 0 .. 7 do
for j in 0 .. 7 do
if (i+j) % 2 = 1 then
yield (i, j) ]
/// Square the numbers in numberList, using the pipeline operator to pass an argument to
let squares =
|> (fun x -> x*x)
/// Computes the sum of the squares of the numbers divisible by 3.
let sumOfSquaresUpTo n =
|> List.filter (fun x -> x % 3 = 0)
|> List.sumBy (fun x -> x * x)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module DefiningClasses =
/// The class's constructor takes two arguments: dx and dy, both of type 'float'.
type Vector2D(dx : float, dy : float) =
/// The length of the vector, computed when the object is constructed
let length = sqrt (dx*dx + dy*dy)
// 'this' specifies a name for the object's self identifier
// In instance methods, it must appear before the member name.
member this.DX = dx
member this.DY = dy
member this.Length = length
member this.Scale(k) = Vector2D(k * this.DX, k * this.DY)
/// An instance of the Vector2D class
let vector1 = Vector2D(3.0, 4.0)
/// Get a new scaled vector object, without modifying the original object
let vector2 = vector1.Scale(10.0)
printfn "Length of vector1: %f Length of vector2: %f" vector1.Length vector2.Length
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Generic classes
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module DefiningGenericClasses =
type StateTracker<'T>(initialElement: 'T) = // 'T is the type parameter for the class
/// Store the states in an array
let mutable states = [ initialElement ]
/// Add a new element to the list of states
member this.UpdateState newState =
states <- newState :: states // use the '<-' operator to mutate the value
/// Get the entire list of historical states
member this.History = states
/// Get the latest state
member this.Current = states.Head
/// An 'int' instance of the state tracker class. Note that the type parameter is inferred.
let tracker = StateTracker 10
// Add a state
tracker.UpdateState 17
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Implementing interfaces
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
/// Type that implements IDisposable
type ReadFile() =
let file = new System.IO.StreamReader("readme.txt")
member this.ReadLine() = file.ReadLine()
// this class's implementation of IDisposable members
interface System.IDisposable with
member this.Dispose() = file.Close()
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Arrays
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module Arrays =
/// The empty array
let array1 = [| |]
let array2 = [| "hello"; "world"; "and"; "hello"; "world"; "again" |]
let array3 = [| 1 .. 1000 |]
/// An array containing only the words "hello" and "world"
let array4 = [| for word in array2 do
if word.Contains("l") then
yield word |]
/// An array initialized by index and containing the even numbers from 0 to 2000
let evenNumbers = Array.init 1001 (fun n -> n * 2)
/// sub-array extracted using slicing notation
let evenNumbersSlice = evenNumbers.[0..500]
for word in array4 do
printfn "word: %s" word
// modify an array element using the left arrow assignment operator
array2.[1] <- "WORLD!"
/// Calculates the sum of the lengths of the words that start with 'h'
let sumOfLengthsOfWords =
|> Array.filter (fun x -> x.StartsWith "h")
|> Array.sumBy (fun x -> x.Length)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Sequences
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module Sequences =
// Sequences are evaluated on-demand and are re-evaluated each time they are iterated.
// An F# sequence is an instance of a System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<'T>,
// so Seq functions can be applied to Lists and Arrays as well.
/// The empty sequence
let seq1 = Seq.empty
let seq2 = seq { yield "hello"; yield "world"; yield "and"; yield "hello"; yield "world"; yield "again" }
let numbersSeq = seq { 1 .. 1000 }
/// another array containing only the words "hello" and "world"
let seq3 =
seq { for word in seq2 do
if word.Contains("l") then
yield word }
let evenNumbers = Seq.init 1001 (fun n -> n * 2)
let rnd = System.Random()
/// An infinite sequence which is a random walk
// Use yield! to return each element of a subsequence, similar to IEnumerable.SelectMany.
let rec randomWalk x =
seq { yield x
yield! randomWalk (x + rnd.NextDouble() - 0.5) }
let first100ValuesOfRandomWalk =
randomWalk 5.0
|> Seq.truncate 100
|> Seq.toList
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Recursive functions
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module RecursiveFunctions =
/// Compute the factorial of an integer. Use 'let rec' to define a recursive function
let rec factorial n =
if n = 0 then 1 else n * factorial (n-1)
/// Computes the greatest common factor of two integers.
// Since all of the recursive calls are tail calls, the compiler will turn the function into a loop,
// which improves performance and reduces memory consumption.
let rec greatestCommonFactor a b =
if a = 0 then b
elif a < b then greatestCommonFactor a (b - a)
else greatestCommonFactor (a - b) b
/// Computes the sum of a list of integers using recursion.
let rec sumList xs =
match xs with
| [] -> 0
| y::ys -> y + sumList ys
/// Make the function tail recursive, using a helper function with a result accumulator
let rec private sumListTailRecHelper accumulator xs =
match xs with
| [] -> accumulator
| y::ys -> sumListTailRecHelper (accumulator+y) ys
let sumListTailRecursive xs = sumListTailRecHelper 0 xs
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Record types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module RecordTypes =
// define a record type
type ContactCard =
{ Name : string
Phone : string
Verified : bool }
let contact1 = { Name = "Alf" ; Phone = "(206) 555-0157" ; Verified = false }
// Create a new record that is a copy of contact1,
// but has different values for the 'Phone' and 'Verified' fields
let contact2 = { contact1 with Phone = "(206) 555-0112"; Verified = true }
/// Converts a 'ContactCard' object to a string
let showCard c =
c.Name + " Phone: " + c.Phone + (if not c.Verified then " (unverified)" else "")
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Union types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module UnionTypes =
/// Represents the suit of a playing card
type Suit =
| Hearts
| Clubs
| Diamonds
| Spades
/// Represents the rank of a playing card
type Rank =
/// Represents the rank of cards 2 .. 10
| Value of int
| Ace
| King
| Queen
| Jack
static member GetAllRanks() =
[ yield Ace
for i in 2 .. 10 do yield Value i
yield Jack
yield Queen
yield King ]
type Card = { Suit: Suit; Rank: Rank }
/// Returns a list representing all the cards in the deck
let fullDeck =
[ for suit in [ Hearts; Diamonds; Clubs; Spades] do
for rank in Rank.GetAllRanks() do
yield { Suit=suit; Rank=rank } ]
/// Converts a 'Card' object to a string
let showCard c =
let rankString =
match c.Rank with
| Ace -> "Ace"
| King -> "King"
| Queen -> "Queen"
| Jack -> "Jack"
| Value n -> string n
let suitString =
match c.Suit with
| Clubs -> "clubs"
| Diamonds -> "diamonds"
| Spades -> "spades"
| Hearts -> "hearts"
rankString + " of " + suitString
let printAllCards() =
for card in fullDeck do
printfn "%s" (showCard card)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Option types
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module OptionTypes =
/// Option values are any kind of value tagged with either 'Some' or 'None'.
/// They are used extensively in F# code to represent the cases where many other
/// languages would use null references.
type Customer = { zipCode : decimal option }
/// Abstract class that computes the shipping zone for the customer's zip code,
/// given implementations for the 'GetState' and 'GetShippingZone' abstract methods.
type ShippingCalculator =
abstract GetState : decimal -> string option
abstract GetShippingZone : string -> int
/// Return the shipping zone corresponding to the customer's ZIP code
/// Customer may not yet have a ZIP code or the ZIP code may be invalid
member this.CustomerShippingZone(customer : Customer) =
|> Option.bind this.GetState
|> this.GetShippingZone
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Pattern matching
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module PatternMatching =
/// A record for a person's first and last name
type Person =
{ First : string
Last : string }
/// Define a discriminated union of 3 different kinds of employees
type Employee =
/// Engineer is just herself
| Engineer of Person
/// Manager has list of reports
| Manager of Person * list<Employee>
/// Executive also has an assistant
| Executive of Person * list<Employee> * Employee
/// Count everyone underneath the employee in the management hierarchy, including the employee
let rec countReports(emp : Employee) =
1 + match emp with
| Engineer(id) ->
| Manager(id, reports) ->
reports |> List.sumBy countReports
| Executive(id, reports, assistant) ->
(reports |> List.sumBy countReports) + countReports assistant
/// Find all managers/executives named "Dave" who do not have any reports
let rec findDaveWithOpenPosition(emps : Employee list) =
|> List.filter(function
| Manager({First = "Dave"}, []) -> true // [] matches the empty list
| Executive({First = "Dave"}, [], _) -> true
| _ -> false) // '_' is a wildcard pattern that matches anything
// this handles the "or else" case
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Units of measure
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module UnitsOfMeasure =
// Code can be annotated with units of measure when using F# arithmetic over numeric types
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.UnitSystems.SI.UnitNames
type mile =
/// Conversion factor mile to meter: meter is defined in SI.UnitNames
static member asMeter = 1600.<meter/mile>
let d = 50.<mile> // Distance expressed using imperial units
let d' = d * mile.asMeter // Same distance expressed using metric system
printfn "%A = %A" d d'
// let error = d + d' // Compile error: units of measure do not match
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Parallel array programming
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module ParallelArrayProgramming =
let oneBigArray = [| 0 .. 100000 |]
// do some CPU intensive computation
let rec computeSomeFunction x =
if x <= 2 then 1
else computeSomeFunction (x - 1) + computeSomeFunction (x - 2)
// Do a parallel map over a large input array
let computeResults() = oneBigArray |> (fun x -> computeSomeFunction (x % 20))
printfn "Parallel computation results: %A" (computeResults())
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Using events
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module Events =
open System
// Create instance of Event object that consists of subscription point (event.Publish) and event trigger (event.Trigger)
let simpleEvent = new Event<int>()
// Add handler
simpleEvent.Publish.Add(fun x -> printfn "this is handler was added with Publish.Add: %d" x)
// Trigger event
// Create instance of Event that follows standard .NET convention: (sender, EventArgs)
let eventForDelegateType = new Event<EventHandler, EventArgs>()
// Add handler
EventHandler(fun _ _ -> printfn "this is handler was added with Publish.AddHandler"))
// Trigger event (note that sender argument should be set)
eventForDelegateType.Trigger(null, EventArgs.Empty)
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// Database access using type providers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module DatabaseAccess =
// The easiest way to access a SQL database from F# is to use F# type providers.
// Add references to System.Data, System.Data.Linq, and FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.dll.
// You can use Server Explorer to build your ConnectionString.
#r "System.Data"
#r "System.Data.Linq"
#r "FSharp.Data.TypeProviders"
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
type SqlConnection = SqlDataConnection<ConnectionString = @"Data Source=.\sqlexpress;Initial Catalog=tempdb;Integrated Security=True">
let db = SqlConnection.GetDataContext()
let table =
query { for r in db.Table do
select r }
// You can also use SqlEntityConnection instead of SqlDataConnection, which accesses the database using Entity Framework.
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
// OData access using type providers
// ---------------------------------------------------------------
module OData =
open System.Data.Services.Client
open Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders
// Consume demographics population and income OData service from Azure Marketplace.
// For more information, see
type Demographics = Microsoft.FSharp.Data.TypeProviders.ODataService<ServiceUri = "">
let ctx = Demographics.GetDataContext()
// Sign up for a Azure Marketplace account at
ctx.Credentials <- System.Net.NetworkCredential ("<your liveID>", "<your Azure Marketplace Key>")
let cities =
query { for c in ctx.demog1 do
where (c.StateName = "Washington") }
for c in cities do
printfn "%A - %A" c.GeographyId c.PerCapitaIncome2010.Value
module BoilerPlateForForm =
do ()
// do System.Windows.Forms.Application.Run()
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