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Last active January 16, 2023 07:22
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Explaining elasticsearch stateful config file
apiVersion: apps/v1beta1 # API version of kubernetes in which `StatefulSet` is available. For Kubernetes 1.8.7 its apps/v1beta1
kind: StatefulSet # Type of resource that we are creating
metadata: # Holds metadata for this resource
name: es # Name of this resource
labels: # Extra metadata goes inside labels. It is for stateful resource
component: elasticsearch # Just a metadata we are adding
spec: # Holds specification of this resource
replicas: 3 # Responsible for maintaining the given number of replicas
serviceName: elasticsearch # Name of service, required by statefulset
template: # Template holds the spec of the pod that will be created and maintained by statefulset
metadata: # Holds metadata for the pod
labels: # Extra metadata goes inside labels. It is for the pod
component: elasticsearch # Just a metadata for the pod
spec: # Holds the spec of the pod
initContainers: # will always initialize before other containers in the pod
- name: init-sysctl # Name of the init-container
image: busybox # Image that will be deployed in this container
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent # Sets the policy that only pull image from registry if it is not available locally
command: ["sysctl", "-w", "vm.max_map_count=262144"] # Sets the system varibale in the container, this value is required by ES
securityContext: # Security context holds any special permission given to this container
privileged: true # This container gets the right to run in privilaged mode
containers: # Holds the list and configs of normal containers in the pod
- name: es # Name of the first container
securityContext: # Security context holds any special permission given to this container
capabilities: # Container will have the capability to IPC Lock , can lock on memory so that it is not swapped out.
image: # specifies the image of elasticsearch to be installed
env: # array of environment variables with values are passed to this image
value: /var/run/secrets/
fieldPath: metadata.namespace
- name: "CLUSTER_NAME"
value: "myesdb"
value: "elasticsearch"
value: "_eth0_"
- name: ES_JAVA_OPTS #Specify the Heap Size
value: -Xms256m -Xmx256m
ports: # Ports that this pod will open
- containerPort: 9200
name: http
protocol: TCP
- containerPort: 9300
name: transport
protocol: TCP
volumeMounts: # The path where volume will be mounted.
- mountPath: /data
name: storage # Name given to this mount
type: RollingUpdate
volumeClaimTemplates: # It provides stable storage using PersistentVolumes provisioned by a PersistentVolume Provisioner
- metadata: # Metadata given to this resource (Persistant Volume Claim)
name: storage # Name of this resource
spec: # Specification of this PVC (Persistant Volume Claim)
storageClassName: gp2 # Storage class used to provision this PVC
accessModes: [ ReadWriteOnce ] # Access mode of the volume
resources: # Holds the list of resources
requests: # Requests sent to the storage class
storage: 20Gi # Request to provision a volume of 1 GB
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