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Created October 15, 2020 08:39
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Classes and inheritance in Kotlin
* Program that implements classes for different kinds of dwellings.
* Shows how to:
* Create class hierarchy, variables and functions with inheritance,
* abstract class, overriding, and private vs. public variables.
import kotlin.math.PI
import kotlin.math.sqrt
fun main() {
val squareCabin = SquareCabin(6, 50.0)
val roundHut = RoundHut(3, 10.0)
val roundTower = RoundTower(4, 15.5)
with(squareCabin) {
println("\nSquare Cabin\n============")
println("Capacity: ${capacity}")
println("Material: ${buildingMaterial}")
println("Floor area: ${floorArea()}")
with(roundHut) {
println("\nRound Hut\n=========")
println("Material: ${buildingMaterial}")
println("Capacity: ${capacity}")
println("Floor area: ${floorArea()}")
println("Has room? ${hasRoom()}")
println("Has room? ${hasRoom()}")
println("Carpet size: ${calculateMaxCarpetSize()}")
with(roundTower) {
println("\nRound Tower\n==========")
println("Material: ${buildingMaterial}")
println("Capacity: ${capacity}")
println("Floor area: ${floorArea()}")
println("Carpet size: ${calculateMaxCarpetSize()}")
* Defines properties common to all dwellings.
* All dwellings have floorspace,
* but its calculation is specific to the subclass.
* Checking and getting a room are implemented here
* because they are the same for all Dwelling subclasses.
* @param residents Current number of residents
abstract class Dwelling(private var residents: Int) {
abstract val buildingMaterial: String
abstract val capacity: Int
* Calculates the floor area of the dwelling.
* Implemented by subclasses where shape is determined.
* @return floor area
abstract fun floorArea(): Double
* Checks whether there is room for another resident.
* @return true if room available, false otherwise
fun hasRoom(): Boolean {
return residents < capacity
* Compares the capacity to the number of residents and
* if capacity is larger than number of residents,
* add resident by increasing the number of residents.
* Print the result.
fun getRoom() {
if (capacity > residents) {
println("You got a room!")
} else {
println("Sorry, at capacity and no rooms left.")
* A square cabin dwelling.
* @param residents Current number of residents
* @param length Length
class SquareCabin(residents: Int, val length: Double) : Dwelling(residents) {
override val buildingMaterial = "Wood"
override val capacity = 6
* Calculates floor area for a square dwelling.
* @return floor area
override fun floorArea(): Double {
return length * length
* Dwelling with a circular floorspace
* @param residents Current number of residents
* @param radius Radius
open class RoundHut(
val residents: Int, val radius: Double) : Dwelling(residents) {
override val buildingMaterial = "Straw"
override val capacity = 4
* Calculates floor area for a round dwelling.
* @return floor area
override fun floorArea(): Double {
return PI * radius * radius
* Calculates the max length for a square carpet
* that fits the circular floor.
* @return length of carpet
fun calculateMaxCarpetSize(): Double {
val diameter = 2 * radius
return sqrt(diameter * diameter / 2)
* Round tower with multiple stories.
* @param residents Current number of residents
* @param radius Radius
* @param floors Number of stories
class RoundTower(
residents: Int,
radius: Double,
val floors: Int = 2) : RoundHut(residents, radius) {
override val buildingMaterial = "Stone"
// Capacity depends on the number of floors.
override val capacity = floors * 4
* Calculates the total floor area for a tower dwelling
* with multiple stories.
* @return floor area
override fun floorArea(): Double {
return super.floorArea() * floors
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