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Created April 28, 2024 10:57
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Lua type definitions for EX-XDRiVER
xdrv = {}
-- how to get these
-- grab the list of mods from, then do the following:
-- 1: replace: -- "(\w+)"( \("(\w+)"\))?\s*\n-- - .+\n(--\s*\n)?
-- with : '$1' | '$3' |
-- 2: replace: \| '' \|
-- with : |
-- then remove trailing |
---@alias ModName 'speed' | 'camera_position_x' | 'camera_move_x' | 'camera_position_y' | 'camera_move_y' | 'camera_position_z' | 'camera_move_z' | 'camera_rotation_x' | 'camera_rotate_x' | 'camera_rotation_y' | 'camera_rotate_y' | 'camera_rotation_z' | 'camera_rotate_z' | 'note_move_x' | 'note_move_y' | 'note_move_z' | 'note_rotate_x' | 'note_rotate_y' | 'note_rotate_z' | 'note1_move_x' | 'note1_move_y' | 'note1_move_z' | 'note1_rotate_x' | 'note1_rotate_y' | 'note1_rotate_z' | 'note2_move_x' | 'note2_move_y' | 'note2_move_z' | 'note2_rotate_x' | 'note2_rotate_y' | 'note2_rotate_z' | 'note3_move_x' | 'note3_move_y' | 'note3_move_z' | 'note3_rotate_x' | 'note3_rotate_y' | 'note3_rotate_z' | 'note4_move_x' | 'note4_move_y' | 'note4_move_z' | 'note4_rotate_x' | 'note4_rotate_y' | 'note4_rotate_z' | 'note5_move_x' | 'note5_move_y' | 'note5_move_z' | 'note5_rotate_x' | 'note5_rotate_y' | 'note5_rotate_z' | 'note6_move_x' | 'note6_move_y' | 'note6_move_z' | 'note6_rotate_x' | 'note6_rotate_y' | 'note6_rotate_z' | 'track_move_x' | 'track_move_y' | 'track_move_z' | 'track_rotate_x' | 'track_rotate_y' | 'track_rotate_z' | 'trackleft_move_x' | 'trackleft_move_y' | 'trackleft_move_z' | 'trackleft_rotate_x' | 'trackleft_rotate_y' | 'trackleft_rotate_z' | 'trackright_move_x' | 'trackright_move_y' | 'trackright_move_z' | 'trackright_rotate_x' | 'trackright_rotate_y' | 'trackright_rotate_z' | 'gear_move_x' | 'gear_move_y' | 'gear_move_z' | 'gear_rotate_x' | 'gear_rotate_y' | 'gear_rotate_z' | 'gearleft_move_x' | 'gearleft_move_y' | 'gearleft_move_z' | 'gearleft_rotate_x' | 'gearleft_rotate_y' | 'gearleft_rotate_z' | 'gearright_move_x' | 'gearright_move_y' | 'gearright_move_z' | 'gearright_rotate_x' | 'gearright_rotate_y' | 'gearright_rotate_z' | 'black_bar_top_position' | 'black_bar_bottom_position' | 'black_bar_left_position' | 'black_bar_right_position' | 'black_bar_top_rotation' | 'black_bar_bottom_rotation' | 'black_bar_left_rotation' | 'black_bar_right_rotation' | 'lane_color_red' | 'lane_color_green' | 'lane_color_blue' | 'lane_color_alpha' | 'lane_left_color_red' | 'lane_left_color_green' | 'lane_left_color_blue' | 'lane_left_color_alpha' | 'lane_right_color_red' | 'lane_right_color_green' | 'lane_right_color_blue' | 'lane_right_color_alpha' | 'drift_move_x' | 'drift_move_y' | 'drift_move_z' | 'drift_rotate_x' | 'drift_rotate_y' | 'drift_rotate_z' | 'driftleft_move_x' | 'driftleft_move_y' | 'driftleft_move_z' | 'driftleft_rotate_x' | 'driftleft_rotate_y' | 'driftleft_rotate_z' | 'driftright_move_x' | 'driftright_move_y' | 'driftright_move_z' | 'driftright_rotate_x' | 'driftright_rotate_y' | 'driftright_rotate_z'
-- ---@alias EaseName 'Linear' | 'InQuad' | 'OutQuad' | 'InOutQuad' | 'InCubic' | 'OutCubic' | 'InOutCubic' | 'InQuart' | 'OutQuart' | 'InOutQuart' | 'InQuint' | 'OutQuint' | 'InOutQuint' | 'InSine' | 'OutSine' | 'InOutSine' | 'InExpo' | 'OutExpo' | 'InOutExpo' | 'InCirc' | 'OutCirc' | 'InOutCirc' | 'InElastic' | 'OutElastic' | 'InOutElastic' | 'InBack' | 'OutBack' | 'InOutBack' | 'InBounce' | 'OutBounce' | 'InOutBounce' | 'Bounce' | 'Tri' | 'Bell' | 'Pop' | 'Tap' | 'Pulse' | 'Spike' | 'Inverse' | 'Instant' | 'SmoothStep' | 'SmootherStep' | 'SmoothestStep'
---@alias EaseName 'linear' | 'inquad' | 'outquad' | 'inoutquad' | 'incubic' | 'outcubic' | 'inoutcubic' | 'inquart' | 'outquart' | 'inoutquart' | 'inquint' | 'outquint' | 'inoutquint' | 'insine' | 'outsine' | 'inoutsine' | 'inexpo' | 'outexpo' | 'inoutexpo' | 'incirc' | 'outcirc' | 'inoutcirc' | 'inelastic' | 'outelastic' | 'inoutelastic' | 'inback' | 'outback' | 'inoutback' | 'inbounce' | 'outbounce' | 'inoutbounce' | 'bounce' | 'tri' | 'bell' | 'pop' | 'tap' | 'pulse' | 'spike' | 'inverse' | 'instant' | 'smoothstep' | 'smootherstep' | 'smootheststep'
---@param mod ModName @ The mod name
---@param value number @ The value to set the mod to
---@param timing 'beat' | 'time' @ Whether to set the mod at a specific beat or time in seconds ('beat' or 'time')
---@param at number @ The beat or time in seconds
function xdrv.Mod(mod, value, timing, at) end
xdrv.Set = xdrv.Mod
---@param mod ModName @ The mod name
---@param from number @ The starting value
---@param to number @ The ending value
---@param timing 'beat' | 'time' @ Whether to set the mod at a specific beat or time in seconds ('beat' or 'time')
---@param at number @ The beat or time in seconds to start easing our mod
---@param lenmode 'end' | 'len' @ Whether to set the duration as length or as its ending point, in beat or time in seconds as determined by the fourth parameter ('end' or 'len')
---@param len number @ The end point of our ease as a beat or time in seconds, or length in beats or time in seconds
---@param ease EaseName @ The type of ease to use
function xdrv.Ease(mod, from, to, timing, at, lenmode, len, ease) end
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