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Created May 15, 2018 16:11
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class PdfTools {
func generatePdfFromCollectionView(_ collectionView: UICollectionView?, filename:String, success:(String) -> ()) {
guard let collectionView = collectionView else {
let pdfData = NSMutableData()
let contentArea = CGRect(
x: 0,
y: 0,
width: collectionView.frame.width,
height: collectionView.frame.height
collectionView.frame = contentArea
UIGraphicsBeginPDFContextToData(pdfData, contentArea, nil)
collectionView.drawHierarchy(in: collectionView.bounds, afterScreenUpdates: true)
if let filepath = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(.documentDirectory, .userDomainMask, true).first {
let fileFullPath = filepath + "/" + filename
if pdfData.write(toFile: fileFullPath, atomically: true) {
let pdf = PdfTools()
pdf.generatePdfFromCollectionView(self.collectionView, filename: "myorder.pdf") { (filename) in
print(filename) // prints file location
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