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Last active January 28, 2016 08:27
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Save oakbani/b1060d79412aadae0f7b to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A method in plain Javascript to implement multi-line text-overflow:ellipsis effect.
* Returns shortened and appended text(with an ellipsis(optional)) to be rendered in dom if it will take more space than the dom's clientHeight and clientWidth
* It is recommended to set height/width, max height/max width, word-wrap:break-word of the element before calling this function
* {String} text: Text Content
* {dom Element} renderTo : The actual element where the text is to be rendered
* {Boolean} ellipsis: false if ellipsis is not to be appended to the end of the text
* @returns {String} returns the new truncated text
function truncateTextToFit (text, renderTo, ellipsis) {
//Get initial text in renderTo, to restore it later
var originalTxtInEl = getDomText(renderTo);
//Get height that a single character would take in this dom
var lineHeight = renderTo.lineHeight || renderTo.scrollHeight;
//Now set input text to renderTo
//prevDiff and finalDiff hold the (scrollHeight-clientHeight) value
var prevDiff = null;
var finalDiff = renderTo.scrollHeight - renderTo.clientHeight;
//diffCount maintains the number of times the prevDiff and finalDiff have remained equal.
// This is needed to avoid condition where some text is truncated but the clientheight and scrollheight remains the same
var diffCount = 0;
//Ensuring that (scrollheight-clientHeight) difference is greater than zero and the diffCount has not increased to 2 to avoid any uncertain circumstances
// such as scrollHeight always remaining greater than clientHeight
// 2 is only an estimate
while (finalDiff > 0 && diffCount != 2) {
// get current text
var txt = getDomText(renderTo);
//Get total height of the current text
var txtHeight = renderTo.scrollHeight;
// Possible number of lines given the dom client height and lineHeight
var numOfPossibleLines = Math.floor(renderTo.clientHeight / lineHeight);
// The current actual number of lines
var numOfTxtLines = Math.ceil(txtHeight / lineHeight);
// Get the approximate text in a single line of this dom
var approxTxtInALine = Math.floor(txt.length / numOfTxtLines);
// numOfCharsToTruncate = approximate number of chars in a line * number of lines to truncate
var numOfCharsToTruncate = approxTxtInALine * (numOfTxtLines - numOfPossibleLines);
//Truncate text
var newInnerText = txt.substr(0, txt.length - numOfCharsToTruncate);
// append ellipsis to the end if not false
if (ellipsis !== false) {
newInnerText = newInnerText + '...';
//Finally replace dom text with new shortened text
prevDiff = finalDiff;
finalDiff = renderTo.scrollHeight - renderTo.clientHeight;
if (finalDiff == prevDiff) {
return newInnerText || text;
* Sets the text in the Dom
* {String}text
* {dom Element} renderTo
function setDomText (text, renderTo) {
if (renderTo.textContent) {
renderTo.textContent = text;
else {
renderTo.innerText = text;
* Gets textContent/innerText of dom
* {dom Element} renderTo
* @returns {String} text
function getDomText (renderTo) {
return (renderTo.textContent || renderTo.innerText);
<!-- Sample Usage -->
<script type="text/javascript" src='multiLineEllipsis.js'></script>
<div id='test' style='max-width:50px;max-height:54px;word-wrap:break-word'></div>
<script type="text/javascript">
var myDiv = document.getElementById('test');
var newTxt = 'Once upon a time there was a';
var truncTxt = truncateTextToFit(newTxt,myDiv);
myDiv.textContent = truncTxt;
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