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Last active August 4, 2024 04:46
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Check cluster kueue job status
# Show all workloads/jobs
kubectl get workload -A -o json | jq '.items[] | "\(.metadata.namespace) \( \(.status.conditions[-1].type)"'
# Show Admitted workloads/jobs
kubectl get workload -A -o json | jq -c '.items[] | select(.status.conditions[-1].type == "Admitted") | [.metadata.namespace,]'
# Get all jobs across all namespaces in Pending state ... AccuKnox executes the jobs in init containers
kubectl get pods -A --selector job-type=accuknox-jobs --field-selector=status.phase==Pending
# list k8s-jobs queue
kubectl get jobs -A -l ""
kubectl get jobs -A --sort-by .status.startTime -l ""
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