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Forked from albanD/
Created April 18, 2023 10:21
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PyTorch optimizer as hook
import torch
from torch import nn
from torch.optim.sgd import sgd
import gc
import objgraph
import weakref
def all():
# Only a subset of the args you could have
def set_sgd_hook(mod, p, lr, weight_decay, momentum):
buff_list = [None]
acc_grad = p.view_as(p).grad_fn.next_functions[0][0]
# The grad accumulator is a weak ref, so we need to keep it
# alive until the Tensor is alive.
# Store it on the module to avoid uncollectable ref-cycle
if not hasattr(mod, "_acc_grads"):
mod._acc_grads = []
def sgd_hook(*_unused):
# Update the params
sgd([p], [p.grad], buff_list, has_sparse_grad=False, foreach=False,
weight_decay=weight_decay, momentum=momentum, lr=lr, dampening=0,
nesterov=False, maximize=False)
# Free up grad memory
p.grad = None
# We should have an API for post hooks... But we don't have one right now
print("Startup", torch.cuda.memory_allocated())
mod = torch.nn.Linear(4, 1).cuda()
crit = nn.MSELoss()
for p in mod.parameters():
set_sgd_hook(mod, p, lr=.01, weight_decay=0., momentum=0.9)
# Make sure the keepalive works well
inp = torch.rand(10, 4, device="cuda")
target = torch.rand(10, 1, device="cuda")
for i in range(11):
def eval_one():
print(f"It {i}, {torch.cuda.memory_allocated()}")
pred = mod(inp)
loss = crit(pred, target)
print("Before backward", torch.cuda.memory_allocated())
print(f"Loss: {loss.item()}")
if i == 0:
print("No memory decrease due to optimizer state lazy initialization")
print("End of iteration", torch.cuda.memory_allocated())
return weakref.ref(mod.weight)
w = all()
print("Done, final memory", torch.cuda.memory_allocated())
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