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Created October 24, 2012 22:25
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Save nvkelso/3949335 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Importing SHPs of Windows 1252 into UTF PostGIS using ORG's PostGIS driver (not shp2pgsql)
# loop through all of the shapefiles in the directory and act on them
# !IMPORTANT: OGR 1.9 for direct to PostGIS support, linestring-multilinestring, and character encoding support.
if [ $# -ne 1 ]; then
echo "USAGE: ./ <in_dir_path>"
exit 1
#Capture the shell arguments
#Loop thru all the shps in the input dir
for i in $(ls ${in_dir_of_shps}/*.shp); do
#echo ${i}
#Capture each filename
filename=$(basename "$i")
#note: the shp2pgsql route results in errors
#shp2pgsql -dID -W "Windows-1252" -s 900913 ${i} ${filebase} | psql -U smugmug
#note: if you haven't clipped your data yet, add this snippet below
#-clipsrc -180 -85.05112878 180 85.05112878 \
#tip: prefix with `echo ` for testing!
ogr2ogr -t_srs EPSG:900913 -f PostgreSQL \
-overwrite \
-lco GEOMETRY_NAME=geometry -lco ENCODING="Windows 1252" \
-nln ${filebase} \
PG:"dbname='smugmug' user='smugmug'" \
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