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Last active June 16, 2022 06:17
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  • Save nvahalik/7057859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nvahalik/7057859 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Some Google Apps Script functions for Spreadsheets which might be useful for those in Technical Sales or software development. They can be used to add up and manipulate hour ranges (e.g. SUMRANGE(["1-2",2,"2-5"]) would yield "5-9"). Those functions are SUMRANGE, SUMRANGEHIGH, SUMRANGELOW, RANGEMULT, and RANGEADD. There are also some functions wh…
/* Grab the values and make them globally available. */
var hoursPerDay = 8;
var hoursPerWeek = hoursPerDay * 5;
* We calculate the number of hours in a given range.
function SUMTIME(allData) {
var numHours = 0;
var numCells = allData.length;
for (var i = 0; i <= numCells; i++) {
var value = allData[i]; //.getValue();
numHours += TIMEHOURS(value);
return numHours;
* For a given value, return the amount of time in hours.
function TIMEHOURS(value) {
/* Short circuit for plain number values, which should be hours. */
if (typeof value == "number") {
return value;
var numHours = 0;
var weekRegex = new RegExp(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\W?w(?:ee)?k?s?/);
var dayRegex = new RegExp(/(\d+(?:\.\d+)?)\W?d(?:ay)?s?/);
var emptyRegex = new RegExp(/\d/);
if (weekRegex.test(value)) {
numHours += (parseFloat(value) * hoursPerWeek);
value = value.toString().replace(weekRegex.exec(value)[0], '');
if (dayRegex.test(value)) {
numHours += (parseFloat(value) * hoursPerDay);
value = value.toString().replace(dayRegex.exec(value)[0], '');
if (!emptyRegex.test(value)) {
// Don't touch it.
else {
numHours += parseInt(value);
return numHours;
* Return the value of a named range.
function getNRValue(name) {
return SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getRangeByName(name).getValue();
* For a given range, return an array with all of the data from the cells. This
* mimics how functions used in formulas actually get their data.
function getAllCells(someRange) {
var range = someRange;
var numRows = range.getNumRows();
var numCols = range.getNumColumns();
var cells = [];
for (var i = 1; i <= numRows; i++) {
for (var j = 1; j <= numCols; j++) {
var currentValue = range.getCell(i,j).getValue();
return cells;
/** Sum a range of ranges. Running SUMRANGE on this set of data:
* +-------+--------+
* | 1 - 2 | 3 - 4 |
* | 5 | 4 - 10 |
* +-------+--------+
* Would return "13 - 21".
* Non range values are applied to both the high and low-end of the
* data. To get either side of the range, use SUMRANGEHIGH() or
* If you want to multiply/divide a range by something, use RANGEMULT().
* If you want to add/subtract to a range, use RANGEADD().
function SUMRANGE(data) {
var retVal = actuallySumRange(data);
return retVal[0] + " - " + retVal[1];
* This is where all the logic lives for actually summing a range. Hence
* the name.
function actuallySumRange(data) {
var numCells = data.length;
var low = high = 0.0;
var replace = new RegExp(/\s/g);
var value = '';
for (var i = 0; i <= numCells; i++) {
if (typeof data[i] != "object") continue;
value = data[i].toString();
value = value.replace(/^\s\s*/, "");
thisCell = value.replace(/\s\s*$/, "");
if (thisCell.length == 0) continue;
var values = thisCell.split('-');
if (values.length == 2) {
low += parseFloat(values[0].trim());
high += parseFloat(values[1].trim());
else {
low += parseFloat(values[0].trim());
high += parseFloat(values[0].trim());
return [low, high];
* Returns just the high end of a range.
function SUMRANGEHIGH(someRange) {
var retVal = actuallySumRange(data);
return retVal[1];
* Returns just the low end of a range.
function SUMRANGELOW(data) {
var retVal = actuallySumRange(data);
return retVal[0];
* Adds (or subtracts, if you use a number <0) a number from a range.
* For example, RANGEADD("1 - 2", 4) would yield you "5 - 6".
function RANGEADD(data, value) {
var retVal = actuallySumRange(data);
return (retVal[0]+value) + " - " + (retVal[1]+value);
* Multiplies (or divides, if 0 < value < 1) a number against a range.
* For example, RANGEMULT("1 - 2", 4) would yield you "4 - 8".
function RANGEMULT(data, value) {
var retVal = actuallySumRange(data);
return (retVal[0]*value) + " - " + (retVal[1]*value);
* Create a string for showing the amount of effort involved for a given amount
* of hours. It attemps to be fairly elegant in the returned value.
* If their is only one unit to show, it will use the full pluralized unit name.
* Otherwise, it will use "1 w 2 d" etc.
function EFFORT(hours, frac) {
if (frac == undefined) frac = false;
var retArr = [];
if (hours < hoursPerDay) {
return hours + " hour" + (hours > 1 ? "s" : "");
else if (hours < hoursPerWeek && frac) {
days = (hours / hoursPerDay);
return days + " day" + (days > 1 ? "s" : "");
else if (frac) {
weeks = (hours / hoursPerWeek);
return weeks + " week" + (weeks > 1 ? "s" : "");
else {
var weeks = parseInt(hours / hoursPerWeek);
hours %= hoursPerWeek;
var days = parseInt(hours / hoursPerDay);
hours %= hoursPerDay;
if (weeks > 0) {
retArr.push(weeks + " " + ((days == 0 && hours == 0) ? "week" + (weeks > 1 ? "s" : "") : "w"));
if (days > 0) {
retArr.push(days + " " + ((weeks == 0 && hours == 0) ? "day" + (days > 1 ? "s" : "") : "d"));
if (hours > 0) {
retArr.push(hours + " " + ((weeks == 0 && days == 0) ? "hour" + (hours > 1 ? "s" : "") : "h"));
return retArr.join(" ");
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Thanks for sharing! Previously I've dealt with ranges in a much more manual way (having separate columns for high-low, but this is a much more elegant way of dealing with the data.

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