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Last active July 6, 2022 16:58
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# usage: [-h] -k API_KEY -d DATASET [-m {hidden,spammy}]
# Honeycomb Dataset Column Cleanup tool
# arguments:
# -h, --help show this help message and exit
# -k API_KEY, --api-key API_KEY
# Honeycomb API key
# -d DATASET, --dataset DATASET
# Honeycomb Dataset
# -m {hidden,spammy}, --mode {hidden,spammy}
# Type of columns to clean up
# -execute Deletes for real
# Prerequisites:
# - Python 3.6+
# - Requests module
# - A Honeycomb API key with the "Manage Queries and Columns" permission
import argparse
import requests
import sys
import signal
import time
HONEYCOMB_API = '' # /columns/dataset_slug
# string, not regexes below
SPAMMY_STRINGS = [ 'request.query']
def fetch_all_columns(dataset, api_key):
Fetch all columns in a dataset and return them all as json
url = HONEYCOMB_API + 'columns/' + dataset
response = requests.get(url, headers={"X-Honeycomb-Team": api_key})
if response.status_code != 200:
print('Failure: Unable to list columns:' + response.text)
return response.json()
def list_hidden_columns(dataset, api_key):
List hidden columns in a dataset and return the list as an array of column IDs
all_columns = fetch_all_columns(dataset, api_key)
hidden_column_ids = {}
for column in all_columns:
if column['hidden']:
hidden_column_ids[column['id']] = column['key_name']
return hidden_column_ids
def list_spammy_columns(dataset, api_key):
List spammy columns in a dataset and return the list as an array of column IDs
all_columns = fetch_all_columns(dataset, api_key)
spammy_column_ids = {}
for column in all_columns:
for spammy_string in SPAMMY_STRINGS:
if spammy_string in column['key_name']:
spammy_column_ids[column['id']] = column['key_name']
break # end the inner loop in case there's multiple matches in the same string
return spammy_column_ids
def delete_columns(dataset, api_key, execute, column_ids):
Delete hidden columns in a dataset from a provided array of column IDs
url = HONEYCOMB_API + 'columns/' + dataset
headers = {"X-Honeycomb-Team": api_key}
for id in column_ids.keys():
print('Deleting column ID: ' + id +
' Name: ' + column_ids[id] + '...')
if execute :
response = requests.delete(url + '/' + id, headers=headers)
# A tiny bit of error handling
if response.status_code in [429, 500, 502, 503, 504]:
print('Received a retryable error ' +
response.status_code + ' sleeping and retrying...')
# Put a long-ish sleep here to cope with the default rate limit of 10 requests per minute
response = requests.delete(url + '/' + id, headers=headers)
elif response.status_code != 204:
print('Failed: Unable to delete column ID' +
id + ': ' + response.text)
print('Moving on to the next column...')
print ('dry-run mode')
if __name__ == "__main__":
# parse command line arguments
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description='Honeycomb Dataset Column Cleanup tool')
parser.add_argument('-k', '--api-key',
help='Honeycomb API key', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dataset',
help='Honeycomb Dataset', required=True)
parser.add_argument('-m', '--mode', default= None,
choices=['hidden', 'spammy'], help='Type of columns to clean up')
parser.add_argument('--execute', default=False,
action=argparse.BooleanOptionalAction, help='Will delete columns')
args = parser.parse_args()
columns_to_delete = {}
if args.mode == 'hidden':
columns_to_delete = list_hidden_columns(args.dataset, args.api_key)
elif args.mode == 'spammy':
columns_to_delete = list_spammy_columns(args.dataset, args.api_key)
if len(columns_to_delete.keys()) > 0:
delete_columns(args.dataset, args.api_key,
args.execute, columns_to_delete)
print('Deleted ' + str(len(columns_to_delete.keys())) +
' ' + args.mode + ' columns! Enjoy your clean dataset!')
except KeyboardInterrupt: # Suppress tracebacks on SIGINT
print('\nExiting early, not done ...\n')
sys.exit(128 + signal.SIGINT) #
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