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Last active July 18, 2023 19:43
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import taichi as ti
def main():
n = 800
pixels = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=(n, n))
star_positions = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.i32, shape=(1000))
star_offsets = ti.Vector.field(2, dtype=ti.i32, shape=())
rotation_angle = ti.field(dtype=ti.f32, shape=())
def initialize():
for i, j in pixels:
pixels[i, j] = 0.0
# Initialize star positions
for k in range(1000):
i, j = int(ti.random() * n), int(ti.random() * n)
star_positions[k] = ti.Vector([i, j])
def rotate(position, angle):
x = position[0] - n / 2
y = position[1] - n / 2
new_x = x * ti.cos(angle) - y * ti.sin(angle)
new_y = x * ti.sin(angle) + y * ti.cos(angle)
new_position = ti.Vector([new_x + n / 2, new_y + n / 2])
return new_position
def paint():
for i, j in pixels:
pixels[i, j] = 0.0
for k in range(1000):
i, j = star_positions[k]
pixels[i, j] = 1.0
new_position = rotate(star_positions[k] + star_offsets[None], rotation_angle[None])
if 0 <= new_position[0] < n and 0 <= new_position[1] < n:
pixels[int(new_position[0]), int(new_position[1])] = 1.0
gui = ti.GUI("Stars", res=(n, n))
star_offsets[None] = ti.Vector([0, 0])
rotation_angle[None] = 0
while gui.running:
for e in gui.get_events(ti.GUI.PRESS):
if e.key == ti.GUI.ESCAPE:
gui.running = False
elif e.key == ti.GUI.UP:
star_offsets[None][0] -= 1
elif e.key == ti.GUI.DOWN:
star_offsets[None][0] += 1
elif e.key == ti.GUI.LEFT:
star_offsets[None][1] -= 1
elif e.key == ti.GUI.RIGHT:
star_offsets[None][1] += 1
elif e.key == 'a':
rotation_angle[None] -= 0.02
elif e.key == 'd':
rotation_angle[None] += 0.02
if __name__ == "__main__":
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