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I may be slow to respond.

nuintun nuintun

I may be slow to respond.
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fnky /
Last active September 20, 2024 07:57
ANSI Escape Codes

ANSI Escape Sequences

Standard escape codes are prefixed with Escape:

  • Ctrl-Key: ^[
  • Octal: \033
  • Unicode: \u001b
  • Hexadecimal: \x1B
  • Decimal: 27
mrkwatz /
Last active September 15, 2024 07:59
Firefox 57 Windows 10 UWP Style Overlay Scrollbars

As far as I am aware the time has come and as of Firefox 72 XUL has been stripped from firefox and so the method used to inject this scrollbar theme is no longer supported -- reference the following for future scroll themes:

Mozilla is currently working to phase out the APIs used to make this theme work. I will try to maintain each version until that time but eventually there will be no workaround. When that time comes there is a new, but more limited api for applying simple themes to scrollbars. In nightly I am currently using the following userContent.css

	scrollbar-width: thin;
	scrollbar-color: rgb(82, 82, 82) rgb(31, 31, 31);
Blackmist / web.config
Created September 15, 2014 14:10
custom web.config for IISNode, using ./bin/application as the entrypoint
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This configuration file is required if iisnode is used to run node processes behind
IIS or IIS Express. For more information, visit:
Zirak / gist:2effbe232f3c7d961eca
Created September 12, 2014 17:14
// centering doesn't work I don't care fuck you sideways
Element.prototype.scrollIntoViewIfNeeded = function (centerIfNeeded) {
var box = this.getBoundingClientRect(),
parentNode = this.parentNode,
parent = parentNode.getBoundingClientRect();
var above = <,
below = box.bottom > parent.bottom,
toRight = box.right > parent.right,
toLeft = box.left < parent.left;
staltz /
Last active September 20, 2024 10:10
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
paulirish /
Last active August 1, 2023 15:42 polyfill (aka
// @license
// copyright Paul Irish 2015
// is supported everywhere except IE8. For IE8 we use the polyfill
// as Safari 6 doesn't have support for NavigationTiming, we use a timestamp for relative values
// if you want values similar to what you'd get with real, place this towards the head of the page
// but in reality, you're just getting the delta between now() calls, so it's not terribly important where it's placed
Protonk / lcg.js
Last active March 26, 2023 22:26
Simple Linear Congruential Generator in Javascript
// A simple Linear Congruential Generator
// Establish the parameters of the generator
var m = 25,
// a - 1 should be divisible by m's prime factors
a = 11,
// c and m should be co-prime
c = 17;
// Setting the seed
var z = 3;
Protonk / prng.js
Last active August 31, 2024 17:14
Various PRNGs, implemented in javascript.
// Linear Congruential Generator
// Variant of a Lehman Generator
var lcg = (function() {
// Set to values from
// m is basically chosen to be large (as it is the max period)
// and for its relationships to a and c
var m = 4294967296,
// a - 1 should be divisible by m's prime factors
a = 1664525,
// c and m should be co-prime
TooTallNate / endianness.js
Created February 10, 2013 20:32
Get host machine endianness using JavaScript Typed Arrays (polyfill for `os.endianness()` in node.js)
function endianness () {
var b = new ArrayBuffer(4);
var a = new Uint32Array(b);
var c = new Uint8Array(b);
a[0] = 0xdeadbeef;
if (c[0] == 0xef) return 'LE';
if (c[0] == 0xde) return 'BE';
throw new Error('unknown endianness');
brettz9 / html5-dataset.js
Last active April 29, 2023 14:58
Dataset Shim
* Add dataset support to elements
* No globals, no overriding prototype with non-standard methods,
* handles CamelCase properly, attempts to use standard
* Object.defineProperty() (and Function bind()) methods,
* falls back to native implementation when existing
* Inspired by
* (via )
* Depends on Function.bind and Object.defineProperty/Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor (polyfills below)
* All code below is Licensed under the X11/MIT License