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Last active August 29, 2015 14:24
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SilverStripe hangman
// Code submitted by Nicola Fontana <>
Director::addRules(100, array('hangman/$Tiles' => 'Hangman'));
class Hangman extends Controller {
public function index(SS_HTTPRequest $request) {
if(!($this->Tiles = $request->param('Tiles'))) {
$reflection = new ReflectionClass(array_rand(ClassInfo::allClasses()));
Session::set('Word', $reflection->name); // Just to have the class name in CamelCase
$this->Word = Session::get('Word');
$this->Rack = preg_replace("/[^0-9_$this->Tiles]/i", '-', $this->Word);
$this->Misses = strlen(preg_replace("/[$this->Word]/i", '', $this->Tiles)) * 100 / 5;
$this->Result = $this->Rack == $this->Word ? 'won' : ($this->Misses >= 100 ? 'lost' : '');
return $this->render();
public function getAllLetters() {
return new ArrayList(array_map(function($l) {
return new ArrayData(array(
'Uppercase' => $l,
'Link' => $this->Tiles . $l,
'Status' => strpos($this->Tiles, $l) === false ? 'enabled' : 'disabled',
}, range('A', 'Z')));
public function getViewer($action) {
return SSViewer::fromString(str_replace("\n\t\t\t", "\n",
'<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title>SilverStripe Hangman</title>
<script src="//,bootstrap@3"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//">
</head><body class="container text-center">
<h2><code><% if $Result %>$Word<% else %>$Rack<% end_if %></code></h2>
<div class="progress"><div class="progress-bar" style="width: $Misses%;"></div></div>
<div class="btn-toolbar" style="display:inline-block"><% if $Result %>
<p class="lead">You $Result!</p><% else %>
<div class="btn-group"><% loop $AllLetters %>
<a href="$Link" class="btn btn-primary $Status">$Uppercase</a><% end_loop %>
</div><% end_if %>
<div class="btn-group"><a href="." class="btn btn-danger">Reset</a></div>
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