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Created April 11, 2016 13:38
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Databinding with DelegatedProperties
class AccountViewModel : ObservableModel by ObservableModelDelegate() {
@get:Bindable var name by property<CharSequence>("",
@get:Bindable var authenticated by property(false, BR.authenticated)
@get:Bindable var avatar by property("", BR.avatar)
import android.databinding.Observable
import android.databinding.PropertyChangeRegistry
fun ObservableModel.notifyPropertyChanged(fieldId: Int) = notifyPropertyChanged(this, fieldId)
fun ObservableModel.notifyChange() = notifyChange(this)
interface ObservableModel : Observable {
fun notifyPropertyChanged(container: Observable, fieldId: Int)
fun notifyChange(container: Observable)
class ObservableModelDelegate : ObservableModel {
@Transient private var callbacks: PropertyChangeRegistry? = null
@Synchronized override fun addOnPropertyChangedCallback(callback: Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback) {
if (callbacks == null) {
callbacks = PropertyChangeRegistry()
@Synchronized override fun removeOnPropertyChangedCallback(callback: Observable.OnPropertyChangedCallback) {
@Synchronized override fun notifyChange(container: Observable) {
callbacks?.notifyCallbacks(container, 0, null)
@Synchronized override fun notifyPropertyChanged(container: Observable, fieldId: Int) {
callbacks?.notifyCallbacks(container, fieldId, null)
import kotlin.reflect.KProperty
fun <T> T, fieldId: Int, vararg additionalFieldIds: Int): ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> {
return ObservableModelProperty(initial, this, fieldId, additionalFieldIds)
internal abstract class BaseObservableModelProperty<T>(
private val observableModel: ObservableModel,
private val fieldId: Int,
private val additionalFieldIds: IntArray
) : ReadWriteProperty<Any, T> {
protected abstract var current: T
override fun getValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>): T {
return current
override fun setValue(thisRef: Any, property: KProperty<*>, value: T) {
if (current != value) {
current = value
additionalFieldIds.forEach {
internal class ObservableModelProperty<T>(
initial: T,
observableModel: ObservableModel,
fieldId: Int,
additionalFieldIds: IntArray
) : BaseObservableModelProperty<T>(observableModel, fieldId, additionalFieldIds) {
override var current = initial
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