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Created July 27, 2020 09:51
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Split String into multiple unique parts
A string s contains only uppercase and lowercase letters.
Break this list into as many parts as possible
so that each letter appears in at most one parts.
Return the list of integers which represent the length of each part.
function findPairs(str) {
var out = [];
str.split("").forEach((v) => {
var found = false;
var foundOnIndex = null;
out.forEach((p, index) => {
if (found === true) {
//Do nothing
var res = p.indexOf(v);
//console.log("is ", p, " having ", v, "=", res);
if (res !== -1) {
//It present
found = true;
foundOnIndex = index;
if (found === false) {
//We have a new unique
} else {
//We need to merge now.
var combinedStr = "";
for (var x = foundOnIndex; x < out.length; x++) {
combinedStr = combinedStr + out[x];
combinedStr = combinedStr + v;
out[foundOnIndex] = combinedStr;
out.splice(foundOnIndex + 1, out.length - 1 - foundOnIndex);
// console.log(
// "We found duplicate at ",
// found,
// foundOnIndex,
// "joined",
// combinedStr
// );
//console.log("Current pairs", out);
return out;
var inp1 = "pabcabcxyz"; // [ 'p', 'abcabc', 'x', 'y', 'z' ]
var inp = "abccaddbeffe"; // [ 'abccaddb', 'effe' ]
var out = findPairs(inp);
console.log("IN->", inp, ", OUT-> ", out);
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