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Created January 16, 2016 20:41
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using NG.Coroutines;
using NG.Math;
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Diagnostics;
namespace NG.VoxelMap {
public static class Const {
public const int CHUNK_SIZE_I = 32;
public static readonly Vec3i CHUNK_SIZE = new Vec3i(CHUNK_SIZE_I);
public static readonly Vec3i STORAGE_CHUNK_SIZE = new Vec3i(8, 8, 16);
public static readonly Vec3i SEGMENT_SIZE = new Vec3i(4, 4, 16);
public static class Location {
public static Vec2i StorageChunkToChunkColumn(Vec2i loc) {
return loc * Const.STORAGE_CHUNK_SIZE.XY;
public static Vec2i ChunkColumnToStorageChunk(Vec2i loc) {
return Vec2i.FloorDiv(loc, Const.STORAGE_CHUNK_SIZE.XY);
public static Vec3i SegmentToChunk(Vec2i loc) {
var v = loc * Const.SEGMENT_SIZE.XY;
return new Vec3i(v.X, v.Y, 0);
public static Vec2i ChunkToSegment(Vec3i loc) {
return Vec2i.FloorDiv(loc.XY, Const.SEGMENT_SIZE.XY);
public struct ChunkColumnInfo {
public int Readers;
public bool HasWriter => Readers == -1;
public bool HasReaders => Readers > 0;
public enum RequestType {
public enum Operation {
public class Request {
public RequestType Type;
public Vec2i Location;
public Vec2i Size;
public C.MapChunkColumn[,] Data;
public class DeferredRequest {
public Request Request;
public Coroutine Coroutine;
public class StorageChunk : IDisposable {
string filename;
Vec2i location;
C.MapStorageChunk storageChunk = C.MapStorageChunk.New();
internal ChunkColumnInfo[,] columnInfos =
internal StorageChunk(Vec2i loc) {
location = loc;
filename = $"{loc.X:X8}_{loc.Y:X8}.ngc";
internal IEnumerator<Co> Save(string dir) {
yield return Co.WaitFor(
() => { storageChunk.SaveData(Path.Combine(dir, filename)); },
internal IEnumerator<Co> Load(string dir, Action<bool> result) {
bool loaded = false;
yield return Co.WaitFor(
() => { loaded = storageChunk.LoadData(Path.Combine(dir, filename)); },
if (loaded)
internal IEnumerator<Co> generateCol(Vec2i baseLoc, Vec2i loc) {
C.MapGenerator.GenerateColumn(storageChunk.Column(loc), baseLoc + loc);
yield break;
internal IEnumerator<Co> Generate() {
var baseLoc = Location.StorageChunkToChunkColumn(location);
yield return Co.WaitFor(
Select(p => generateCol(baseLoc, p))
internal C.MapChunkColumn Column(Vec2i p) => storageChunk.Column(p);
public void Dispose() {
public class Storage {
string dir;
Dictionary<Vec2i, StorageChunk> storageChunks = new Dictionary<Vec2i, StorageChunk>();
List<DeferredRequest> deferredRequests = new List<DeferredRequest>();
Mutex mutex = new Mutex();
void AddSelfToDeferredRequests(Request r) {
deferredRequests.Add(new DeferredRequest{
Request = r,
Coroutine = Scheduler.CurrentCoroutine,
void ApplyOperation(Request r, Operation op) {
Func<ChunkColumnInfo, ChunkColumnInfo> mutator = null;
if (op == Operation.Grab) {
if (r.Type == RequestType.Read)
mutator = info => new ChunkColumnInfo{ Readers = info.Readers+1 };
mutator = info => new ChunkColumnInfo{ Readers = -1 };
} else {
if (r.Type == RequestType.Read)
mutator = info => new ChunkColumnInfo{ Readers = info.Readers-1 };
mutator = info => new ChunkColumnInfo{ Readers = 0 };
foreach (var p in MathUtils.RangeBase2D(r.Location, r.Size)) {
// storage chunk location for given chunk column
var scloc = Location.ChunkColumnToStorageChunk(p);
// location of the chunk column inside the given storage chunk
var scp = p - Location.StorageChunkToChunkColumn(scloc);
var sc = storageChunks[scloc];
sc.columnInfos[scp.Y, scp.X] = mutator(sc.columnInfos[scp.Y, scp.X]);
bool TrySatisfyRequest(Request r) {
bool result = true;
foreach (var p in MathUtils.RangeBase2D(r.Location, r.Size)) {
// storage chunk location for given chunk column
var scloc = Location.ChunkColumnToStorageChunk(p);
// location of the chunk column inside the given storage chunk
var scp = p - Location.StorageChunkToChunkColumn(scloc);
// chunk column location relative to request data array
var rp = p - r.Location;
StorageChunk sc;
if (storageChunks.TryGetValue(scloc, out sc)) {
if (sc != null) {
var info = sc.columnInfos[scp.Y, scp.X];
switch (r.Type) {
case RequestType.Read:
if (info.HasWriter) {
result = false;
case RequestType.Write:
if (info.HasReaders) {
result = false;
r.Data[rp.Y, rp.X] = sc.Column(scp);
} else {
// still loading
result = false;
} else {
// not here, let's load it
result = false;
storageChunks[scloc] = null;
if (result) {
ApplyOperation(r, Operation.Grab);
return result;
bool TrySatisfyDeferredRequest(DeferredRequest dr) {
if (TrySatisfyRequest(dr.Request)) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
void TrySatisfyDeferredRequests() {
deferredRequests.RemoveAll(dr => TrySatisfyDeferredRequest(dr));
IEnumerator<Co> LoadOrGenerateStorageChunk(Vec2i loc) {
var sc = new StorageChunk(loc);
bool loaded = false;
yield return Co.Do(sc.Load(dir, r => loaded = r));
if (!loaded) {
yield return Co.Do(sc.Generate());
yield return Co.Lock(mutex);
storageChunks[loc] = sc;
public IEnumerator<Co> AcquireChunkColumns(RequestType rt, Vec2i loc, Vec2i size, Action<Request> result) {
yield return Co.Lock(mutex);
var req = new Request{
Type = rt,
Location = loc,
Size = size,
Data = MathUtils.New2D<C.MapChunkColumn>(size),
if (!TrySatisfyRequest(req)) {
// If request cannot be satisfied immediately, we queue
// ourselves and sleep. Eventually somebody will wake us up.
yield return Co.Sleep();
public IEnumerator<Co> ReleaseChunkColumns(Request r) {
yield return Co.Lock(mutex);
ApplyOperation(r, Operation.Release);
public Storage(string d) {
dir = d;
public class ChunkMesh : IDisposable {
int refCount = 1;
C.MapChunkMesh chunkMesh = C.MapChunkMesh.New();
internal int RefCount => refCount;
internal C.MapChunkMesh CChunkMesh => chunkMesh;
internal int VerticesCount => chunkMesh.VerticesCount();
internal int VerticesOffset = 0;
public void Dispose() {
if (--refCount == 0)
internal void Mesh(C.MapChunkColumn[,] columns, int z) {
using (var a = C.MapChunkColumnArray.New(4)) {
a.SetNth(0, columns[0, 0]);
a.SetNth(1, columns[0, 1]);
a.SetNth(2, columns[1, 0]);
a.SetNth(3, columns[1, 1]);
chunkMesh.Mesh(a, z);
internal ChunkMesh Grab() {
return this;
public class Segment : IDisposable {
Storage storage;
Vec2i location;
C.MapSegment segment;
ChunkMesh[,,] current;
ChunkMesh[,,] next;
public C.MapSegment CSegment => segment;
public Vec2i Location => location;
public Segment(C.MapSegment s, Vec2i loc, Storage st) {
segment = s;
location = loc;
storage = st;
next = MathUtils.New3D<ChunkMesh>(Const.SEGMENT_SIZE);
current = MathUtils.New3D<ChunkMesh>(Const.SEGMENT_SIZE);
void Swap() {
var tmp = current;
current = next;
next = tmp;
foreach (var cm in next) cm?.Dispose();
MathUtils.Fill3D(next, null);
IEnumerator<Co> ChunkMeshUpload(ChunkMesh cm) {
var msg = C.Messages.MapChunkMeshAppend.New();
msg.Segment = segment;
msg.ChunkMesh = cm.CChunkMesh;
yield return Co.WaitFor(msg);
cm.VerticesOffset = msg.OutVerticesOffset;
IEnumerator<Co> ChunkMeshBuildAndUpload(ChunkMesh cm, Vec3i ap) {
Request req = null;
yield return Co.WaitFor(storage.AcquireChunkColumns(
RequestType.Read, ap.XY - new Vec2i(1), new Vec2i(2), r => req = r));
cm.Mesh(req.Data, ap.Z);
yield return Co.WaitFor(storage.ReleaseChunkColumns(req));
if (cm.VerticesCount != 0) {
var msg = C.Messages.MapChunkMeshAppend.New();
msg.Segment = segment;
msg.ChunkMesh = cm.CChunkMesh;
yield return Co.WaitFor(msg);
cm.VerticesOffset = msg.OutVerticesOffset;
} else {
cm.VerticesOffset = 0;
internal IEnumerator<Co> RebuildSegment(Vec3i min, Vec3i max) {
var baseLoc = VoxelMap.Location.SegmentToChunk(location);
var buildAndUpload = MathUtils.Range3D(Const.SEGMENT_SIZE).
Where(p => { p += baseLoc; return min <= p && p <= max; }).
Select(p => {
var ap = baseLoc + p;
var cm = current.At(p);
if (cm != null) {
next.SetAt(p, cm.Grab());
return null;
} else {
cm = new ChunkMesh();
next.SetAt(p, cm);
return ChunkMeshBuildAndUpload(cm, ap);
}).Where(it => it != null);
var upload = MathUtils.Range3D(Const.SEGMENT_SIZE).
Where(p => { var cm = next.At(p); return cm != null && cm.RefCount == 2; }).
Select(p => ChunkMeshUpload(next.At(p)));
yield return Co.WaitFor(upload);
yield return Co.WaitFor(buildAndUpload);
foreach (var p in MathUtils.Range3D(Const.SEGMENT_SIZE)) {
var cm = next.At(p);
if (cm != null && cm.VerticesCount != 0) {
segment.AppendInfo(p, cm.VerticesOffset, cm.VerticesCount);
var msg = C.Messages.MapSegmentSwap.New();
msg.Segment = segment;
yield return Co.WaitFor(msg);
public void Dispose() {
public class Map {
const int viewDistance = 400;
C.Map map = C.Map.New();
Dictionary<Vec2i, Segment> segments = new Dictionary<Vec2i, Segment>();
Storage storage;
public C.Map CMap => map;
public Map(Storage s) {
storage = s;
IEnumerator<Co> CreateSegment(Vec2i loc, Action<Segment> result) {
var msg = C.Messages.MapSegmentNew.New();
msg.Location = loc;
yield return Co.WaitFor(msg);
var s = new Segment(msg.OutSegment, loc, storage);
public IEnumerator<Co> Rebuild(Vec3i ploc) {
var sw = new Stopwatch();
var viewChunks = viewDistance / Const.CHUNK_SIZE_I;
var visRange = new Vec3i(viewChunks * 2, viewChunks * 2, Const.STORAGE_CHUNK_SIZE.Z);
var halfVisRange = visRange / new Vec3i(2);
var min = (ploc - halfVisRange) * new Vec3i(1, 1, 0);
var max = min + visRange - new Vec3i(1);
var sbase = Location.ChunkToSegment(min);
var ssize = Location.ChunkToSegment(max - min + new Vec3i(1));
var newSegments = new Segment[ssize.Area()];
yield return Co.WaitFor(MathUtils.RangeBase2D(sbase, ssize).
Select((p, i) => {
Segment seg;
return segments.TryGetValue(p, out seg) ? null :
CreateSegment(p, r => newSegments[i] = r);
}).Where(it => it != null));
foreach (var seg in newSegments) {
segments.Add(seg.Location, seg);
yield return Co.WaitFor(MathUtils.RangeBase2D(sbase, ssize).
Select(p => segments[p].RebuildSegment(min, max)));
var v = map.Segments();
foreach (var s in segments.Values)
var msg = C.Messages.MapSwap.New();
msg.Map = map;
yield return Co.WaitFor(msg);
Console.WriteLine($"rebuild done in {sw.Elapsed}");
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