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Last active January 22, 2024 16:08
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Appstore connect API client method to get prices from group ID and provider ID (which are provided by Appstore server API subscriptionStatuses's response).
class AppStoreConnectAPIClient
* Return all prices indexed by currency code, given a subscription group ID and a product ID.
* @return array<int|string, array<string,mixed>>
public function pricesByGroupAndProductID(string $groupID, string $productID): array
//get subscription ID
$subscriptions = $this->subscriptionsByGroup($groupID);
$subscription = array_filter((array)$subscriptions->data, function ($e) use ($productID) {
return $e->attributes->productId === $productID;
if (empty($subscription)) {
$this->logger->error('Appstore subscription identifier not found', compact('groupID', 'productID'));
throw new AppStoreClientException('Appstore subscription identifier not found');
$subscriptionID = reset($subscription)->id;
//get all pricing and territory info that subscription ID
$url = "v1/subscriptions/{$subscriptionID}/prices?limit=200&include=subscriptionPricePoint,territory";
$data = [];
$included = [];
$nextPageCursor = '';
while (!is_null($nextPageCursor)) {
$response = $this->request($url . ($nextPageCursor ? '&cursor=' . $nextPageCursor : ''), 'GET');
array_push($data, ...$response->data);
array_push($included, ...$response->included);
$nextPageUrl = property_exists($response->links, 'next')
? AnyUrl::fromText($response->links->next)
: null;
if (is_null($nextPageUrl)) {
$nextPageCursor = null;
} else {
parse_str($nextPageUrl->query(), $queryParams);
$nextPageCursor = is_string($queryParams['cursor']) ? $queryParams['cursor'] : null;
//split and reindex price points and territories
$pricePoints = [];
$territories = [];
foreach ($included as $pricePointOrTerritory) {
if ($pricePointOrTerritory->type === 'subscriptionPricePoints') {
$pricePoints[$pricePointOrTerritory->id] = $pricePointOrTerritory->attributes;
} elseif ($pricePointOrTerritory->type === 'territories') {
$territories[$pricePointOrTerritory->id] = $pricePointOrTerritory->attributes;
//build prices by country
$pricesByCountry = [];
foreach ($data as $priceRef) {
$pricePointID = $priceRef->relationships->subscriptionPricePoint->data->id;
$territoryID = $priceRef->relationships->territory->data->id;
$pricesByCountry[$territoryID] = array_merge(
return $pricesByCountry;
"pricesByGroupAndProductID": {
"ARE": {
"customerPrice": "699.99",
"proceeds": "566.66",
"proceedsYear2": "566.66",
"currency": "AED"
"AFG": {
"customerPrice": "179.0",
"proceeds": "152.15",
"proceedsYear2": "152.15",
"currency": "USD"
"ATG": {
"customerPrice": "179.0",
"proceeds": "152.15",
"proceedsYear2": "152.15",
"currency": "USD"
"AIA": {
"customerPrice": "179.0",
"proceeds": "152.15",
"proceedsYear2": "152.15",
"currency": "USD"
"ALB": {
"customerPrice": "199.0",
"proceeds": "140.96",
"proceedsYear2": "140.96",
"currency": "USD"
"ARM": {
"customerPrice": "199.0",
"proceeds": "140.96",
"proceedsYear2": "140.96",
"currency": "USD"
"AGO": {
"customerPrice": "179.0",
"proceeds": "152.15",
"proceedsYear2": "152.15",
"currency": "USD"
"ARG": {
"customerPrice": "179.0",
"proceeds": "152.15",
"proceedsYear2": "152.15",
"currency": "USD"
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