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Created October 31, 2013 14:21
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Spartan "placeholder" functionality for IE8-9 Works on text inputs only. Uses querySelectorAll, so IE8+ Usage: include <script src="placeholder.js" data-placeholderjs-color="#a8a8a8"></script> at the bottom of a page (color attribute is optional)
* @author
* @date October 2013
* Spartan "placeholder" functionality for IE8-9
* Works on text inputs only. Uses querySelectorAll, so IE8+
* Usage:
* include <script src="placeholder.js" data-placeholderjs-color="#a8a8a8"></script>
* at the bottom of a page (color attribute is optional)
;(function () {
var win = this, doc = this.document
, placeholderDataAttributeName = "data-ph-apply"
, placeholderAttributeName = "placeholder"
, placeHolderTextColor = "#aaa"
, supportsPlaceholder = (placeholderAttributeName in doc.createElement("input"));
if (supportsPlaceholder) {return;} // Nothing to do here!
(function () { // obtain the (optional) custom placeholder text color
var attr = "data-placeholderjs-color"
, script = doc.querySelector("script["+attr+"]");
script && (placeHolderTextColor = script.getAttribute(attr));
// basic event abstraction
var Event = (function () {
var listen = (function () {
return "function" == typeof doc.body.addEventListener ?
function (elem, name, handler, capture) {
elem.addEventListener(name, handler, !!capture);
} :
function (elem, name, handler) {
elem.attachEvent("on"+name, function (event) {
event || (event = win.event); || ( = event.srcElement);
, prevent = function (e) {
if ("preventDefault" in e) {prevent = function (e) {e.preventDefault();};}
else {prevent = function (e) {e.returnValue = false;};}
return {
"listen": listen
, "prevent": prevent
var supportsFocusin = (function () { // will use focusin OR event's capturing phase
var result = false, a = doc.createElement("a");
a.href= "#";
Event.listen(a, "focusin", function () {result = true;});
return result;
var inputs = doc.querySelectorAll("input[type=text]");
for (var idx=0, len=inputs.length; idx<len; ++idx) { // initialize state for placeholder inputs
var input = inputs[idx]
, phAttr = getAttr(input, placeholderAttributeName);
if (!phAttr) {continue;}
var value = input.value;
if (value) {continue;}
setAttr(input, placeholderDataAttributeName, "true");
applyPlaceholder(input, phAttr);
function getAttr(input, attr) {return input.getAttribute(attr);}
function setAttr(input, attr, value) {input.setAttribute(attr, value);}
function applyPlaceholder(input, text) {
input.value = text; = placeHolderTextColor;
var eventName = "focus"+(supportsFocusin?"in":"");
Event.listen(doc.body, eventName, function (e) { // focus handling
e || (e = win.event);
var target =
, phAttr = getAttr(target, placeholderAttributeName);
if (!phAttr) {return;}
var applyPh = getAttr(target, placeholderDataAttributeName);
"true"==applyPh && (target.value = ""); = "";
}, !supportsFocusin);
eventName = supportsFocusin?"focusout":"blur";
Event.listen(doc.body, eventName, function (e) { // blur handling
e || (e = win.event);
var target =
, phAttr = getAttr(target, placeholderAttributeName);
if (!phAttr) {return;}
var blank = !target.value;
setAttr(target, placeholderDataAttributeName, blank);
blank && applyPlaceholder(target, phAttr);
}, !supportsFocusin);
Event.listen(win, "unload", function () {
var inputs = doc.querySelectorAll("input["+placeholderAttributeName+"]");
for (var idx=0, len=inputs.length; idx<len; ++idx) {
var input = inputs[idx];
"true"==getAttr(input, placeholderDataAttributeName) && (input.value = "");
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