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Nick Pomfret npomfret

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01-18 12:25:06.989 2115-2342/? E/Watchdog: !@Sync 304
01-18 12:25:07.109 2115-2184/? I/InputReader: Touch event's action is 0x0 (deviceType=0) [pCnt=1, s=0.196 ]
01-18 12:25:07.109 2115-2183/? I/InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
01-18 12:25:07.109 2115-2183/? I/InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
01-18 12:25:07.114 2115-2183/? I/InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
01-18 12:25:07.114 2115-2183/? I/InputDispatcher: Delivering touch to current input target: action: 0x0
01-18 12:25:07.154 2392-2392/? I/TwDVFSBroadcastReceiver: onLauncherIntent
01-18 12:25:07.154 2392-2392/? D/PowerManager: DVFSLock : acquire : timeout : 1000
01-18 12:25:07.159 2115-2847/? I/power: *** acquire_dvfs_lock : lockType : 1 freq : 1200000
17:33:37.431351 2016-09-28T17:33:37.431+01:00 CRUD+: Invoking sync on doc "a6cc45e0-b441-4170-83b2-9632194bec55" rev 1-25004298bb0c260871cbc933ffb7203d
19:30:26.431351 2016-09-28T19:30:26.431+01:00 Cache+: Pruned 1 old entries from channel "*"
20:53:48.431351 2016-09-28T20:53:48.431+01:00 CRUD+: Saving old revision "afd34c88-2c16-4ca6-9aad-91c6b388dc10" / "3-172f3525efad0a4d1ca50a0e241577a4" (607 bytes)
13:09:37.431351 2016-09-30T13:09:37.431+01:00 HTTP+: #9539: --> 201 (1.0 ms)
10:56:39.431351 2016-10-04T10:56:39.431+01:00 Events+: Webhook handler ran for event. Payload posted to URL, got status 200 OK
00:30:41.431351 2016-10-29T00:30:41.431+01:00 Cache: #403651 ==> channel "ch_private_6ff22496-9fc0-47d6-8185-221ea4d903aa"
09:56:36.431351 2016-11-05T09:56:36.431Z HTTP: #184858: GET /sync_gateway/ea669f1e-5509-427c-b700-f1484056bf55 (as admin)
09:10:04.431351 2016-11-06T09:10:04.431Z Changes+: Sending seq:285854 from channel *
11:06:44.431351 2016-11-06T
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
objc[43902]: Class PLBuildVersion is implemented in both /Applications/ (0x1172b9910) and /Applications/ (0x1170e3210). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.
2016-10-25 12:48:31.008 [info][tid:main][RCTBatchedBridge.m:74] Initializing <RCTBatchedBridge: 0x60000019d8e0> (parent: <RCTBridge: 0x6000002a03c0>, executor: RCTJSCExecutor)
2016-10-25 12:48:31.114 pomochat[43902:41909958] [Crashlytics] Version 3.8.2 (118)
2016-10-25 12:48:31.366 pomochat[43902:41909958] Error: Error Domain=NSCocoaErrorDomain Code=3010 "remote notifications are not supported in the simulator" UserInfo={NSLocalizedDescription=remote notifications are not suppor
function (newDoc, oldDoc) {
if (oldDoc && oldDoc._deleted) {
throw({forbidden: "Attempt to edit a deleted doc"});
if (oldDoc) {
var previousOwners = [];
if (oldDoc.owners) {
'use strict';
import PushNotification from "react-native-push-notification";
let _pushNotificationToken = null;
const _pushNotificationListeners = [];
function init() {
console.log("PushNotification init");
11:07:21, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ptm0.101)
11:07:17, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ppp3)
11:05:16, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ptm0.101)
11:05:08, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ppp3)
11:03:13, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ptm0.101)
11:01:06, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ppp3)
10:58:56, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ptm0.101)
10:58:55, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ppp3)
10:57:41, 09 Sep. (399068.330000) Admin login successful by on HTTP
10:56:56, 09 Sep. IN: BLOCK [12] Spoofing protection (IGMP​> on ptm0.101)
08-23 13:00:23.660 31665-31665/com.pomochat D/AccessibilityManager: setStateLocked: wasEnabled = false, mIsEnabled = false, wasTouchExplorationEnabled = false, mIsTouchExplorationEnabled = false, wasHighTextContrastEnabled = false, mIsHighTextContrastEnabled = false
java.lang.Throwable: setStateLocked
at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.setStateLocked(
at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.tryConnectToServiceLocked(
at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.<init>(
at android.view.accessibility.AccessibilityManager.getInstance(Accessib
08-23 11:41:53.509 24689-24766/com.pomochat I/ReactNativeJS: Running application "pomochat" with appParams: {"initialProps":{},"rootTag":1}. __DEV__ === true, development-level warning are ON, performance optimizations are OFF
08-23 11:41:53.628 24689-24766/com.pomochat I/ReactNativeJS: 'Loading config from', ''
08-23 11:41:53.665 24689-24766/com.pomochat I/ReactNativeJS: 'device-info', { 'Device Unique ID': 'd1e63441f5301210',
'Device Manufacturer': 'thl',
'Device Model': 'thl T6C',
'Device ID': 'Android',
'System Name': 'Android',
'Device Version': '5.1',
'Bundle Id': 'com.pomochat',
2016-08-22 14:55:08.801 pomochat[25438:5471877] [Fabric] [Fabric] Value of Info.plist[Fabric][Kits] should be a NSArray.
2016-08-22 14:55:08.801 pomochat[25438:5471877] [Crashlytics] Version 3.7.2 (112)
2016-08-22 14:55:08.832 pomochat[25438:5472070] [Crashlytics:Crash:Reports] Packaged report with id 'a146b9af50db418fa742f9410e4a5399' for submission
2016-08-22 14:55:09.373 [info][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] 'device', 375, 'x', 667
2016-08-22 14:55:09.374 [info][tid:com.facebook.react.JavaScript] 'ratio', 1.2807291666666667
2016-08-22 14:55:23.218 pomochat[25438:5473589] Launching Couchbase Lite...
14:55:23.222‖ WARNING: EnableLogTo: There is no logging domain named 'CBLListener'. Available domains are: BLIP, BLIPLifecycle, ChangeTracker, Database, JSONReader, Listener, Model, MultiStreamWriter, Query, Reachability, RemoteRequest, Router, Server, SQL, Sync, SyncPerf, Upgrade, Validation, View, WS {at enableLogTo:129}
14:55:23.223‖ WARNING: EnableLogTo: There is no logging domain named 'CBLListener'. Av