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Last active June 6, 2018 01:56
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d3-graphviz Basic Example
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="utf-8">
<script src=""></script>
<script src="" type="javascript/worker"></script>
<script src=""></script>
<div id="graph" style="text-align: center;"></div>
function fiddle_about(){
var div ="#graph");
var svg ="svg"));
var g ="g g.node"));
var nodes = g._groups[0][0];
function whereIsEverything(){
n = document.getElementsByClassName("node");
d = {};
Array.from(n).forEach(function(item) {
let e = item.getElementsByTagName("ellipse")[0];
let this_node = {};
let name = item.getElementsByTagName("title")[0].textContent; =; = name;
this_node.x =;
this_node.y =;
this_node.r = e.rx.baseVal.value;
d[name] = this_node;
return d;
var digraph_details = ['digraph G {',
' rankdir = "LR";',
' label = "Tech Tree of OATMEAL Projects";',
' labelloc = "t";',
' node [style=filled,',
' color="black", ',
' fontcolor="white", ',
' shape="oval", ',
' fixedsize=true, ',
' width=1.5,',
' height=1.5];',
' ',
' potPaper [label="A Plane of Thrones\nPaper"];',
' robPaper [label="Robotics Papers"];',
' deskSenseDn [label="Below Desk Sensing"];',
' desks [label="Unit Desks"];',
' deskSenseUp [label="Above Desk Sensing"];',
' mApp [label="Mobile App"];',
' geoEthno2 [label="Geographic/\nEthnographic data 2"];',
' basicBeacon [label="iBeacon Awareness"];',
' sensicorn2 [label="Sensicorn 2"];',
' geoEthno1 [label="Geographic/\nEthnographic data 1"];',
' emailData [label="Email Data"];',
' RBTM [label="Robotic Building\nTopology Modification"];',
' basicRobot [label="Awareness of Robots"];',
' timeData [label="Timesheet Data"];',
' SNA [label="Social Network\nAnalysis"];',
' changeSpace [label="Change Space\nCollective"];',
' robDesk [label="Robotic Desk\nArrangement"];',
' Shakedown [label="Shakedown data\ncapture"];',
' SNAawareness [label="SNA Awareness"];',
' phone [label="Access To Phones"];',
' halo [label="Robotic Weaving"];',
' SNAblog [label="Social Network\nAnalysis Blog Post"];',
' SydStudioSeating [label="Sydney Studio Seating"];',
' revit2ML [label="Revit Layout\nExtraction"];',
' data [label="Data Literacy"];',
' sensicorn1 [label="Sensicorn 1"];',
' SydStudioSeating2 [label="Better Sydney Studio\nSeating"];',
' diary [label="Diary Studies"];',
' SLAM [label="SLAM (Simultanious\nLocation And Mapping)"];',
' bravo [label="Bravo Victor November"];',
' pot [label="A Plane of Thrones\nFramework"];',
' deskLoc [label="Desk Location"];',
' electron [label="Desktop App"];',
' robSense [label="Robot Mounted Sensing"];',
' boom [label="Distribution Boom"];',
' altSpace [label="altSpace"];',
' AIlayout [label="AI Layout"];',
' lAmp [label="Learning Amplified\nSeating Plans"];',
' bizCap [label="Capturing Business\nMetrics"];',
' loTraining [label="Layout Training Data"];',
' cadd [label="Continuous Analysis,\nDesign & Delivery"];',
' geoEthno3 [label="Geographic/\nEthnographic data 3"];',
' ShakedownPaper [label="Shakedown Paper"];',
' s3 [label="S3"];',
' sensors [label="Sensor Literacy"];',
' pathVis [label="Path Visualisation"];',
' lExp [label="Learning Experiment"];',
' systemReef [label="Systems Reef"];',
' ShakedownBlog [label="Shakedown Blog"];',
' Shakedown2 [label="Shakedown (with\nstalls) Product"];',
' hardware [label="Hardware Design"];',
' BTARATA [label="Buildings That Are\nRight All The Time"];',
' potPaper -> pot;',
' potPaper -> revit2ML;',
' robPaper -> halo;',
' deskSenseUp -> electron;',
' deskSenseUp -> s3;',
' mApp -> phone;',
' geoEthno2 -> geoEthno1;',
' geoEthno2 -> deskSenseDn;',
' sensicorn2 -> mApp;',
' sensicorn2 -> sensicorn1;',
' geoEthno1 -> deskLoc;',
' geoEthno1 -> deskSenseUp;',
' geoEthno1 -> diary;',
' RBTM -> robDesk;',
' SNA -> emailData;',
' SNA -> timeData;',
' robDesk -> AIlayout;',
' robDesk -> lAmp;',
' robDesk -> robSense;',
' Shakedown -> sensors;',
' halo -> basicRobot;',
' SNAblog -> bravo;',
' SydStudioSeating -> pot;',
' sensicorn1 -> hardware;',
' sensicorn1 -> pathVis;',
' SydStudioSeating2 -> lAmp;',
' SydStudioSeating2 -> SydStudioSeating;',
' diary -> electron;',
' deskLoc -> basicBeacon;',
' deskLoc -> desks;',
' robSense -> basicRobot;',
' robSense -> sensors;',
' robSense -> SLAM;',
' boom -> systemReef;',
' AIlayout -> loTraining;',
' lAmp -> lExp;',
' lAmp -> pot;',
' lAmp -> SNA;',
' cadd -> bizCap;',
' cadd -> geoEthno3;',
' cadd -> RBTM;',
' geoEthno3 -> sensicorn2;',
' geoEthno3 -> geoEthno2;',
' ShakedownPaper -> Shakedown;',
' s3 -> hardware;',
' s3 -> sensors;',
' sensors -> data;',
' lExp -> revit2ML;',
' Shakedown2 -> Shakedown;',
' BTARATA -> cadd;',
' {rank = same; data; basicRobot; hardware; systemReef; SNAawareness}',
' \n}'].join("\n");"#graph")
.renderDot( digraph_details, whereIsEverything );
// graphviz.renderDot(dotSrc[, callback])
//html [label=<The <font color="red"><b>foo</b></font>,<br/> the <font point-size="20">bar</font> and<br/> the <i>baz</i>>]
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