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Created January 6, 2016 23:14
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Single click backup of QubesOS
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Single click backup of QubesOS - beacause, really, there's no need to protect
# the password in dom0. If it's ever accessed, it was already game over.
# Author: Danny Fullerton - Mantor Organization
# Usage
# - Mod commands accordingly, e.g. filesystem, path, drive
# - Create a file in dom0:~/.backup.pass containing your password.
# - Create an AppVM called backup and assign the usb drive to it
import pexpect
PASSWD_FILE = '~/.backup.pass'
LOG = '~/backup.log'
rawlist ="qvm-ls --raw-list")
#rawlist = "dom0\nwork-devel"
bkp_cmd = "qvm-backup -d backup -e -z /mnt/removable/backor/qubes/ -x backup " + rawlist
mount_cmd = "qvm-run -a -u root backup 'mount -t ntfs-3g -o rw,realatime,uid=1000,gid=1000,umask=133,dmask=022 /dev/xvdi1 /mnt/removable'"
passwd = open(PASSWD_FILE, 'r').readline().rstrip()
child = pexpect.spawn(bkp_cmd)
child.logfile = open(LOG, 'w')
child.expect('enter the pass phrase')
child.expect('again for verification')
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