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Last active November 17, 2020 23:50
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Upgrade nghttp2 for brew with a fix for older MacOS versions
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Update brew repo.
printf "%s" "Updating brew repo..."
brew update &> /dev/null
echo ""
# Get the currently installed and new version of nghttp2.
printf "%s" "Fetch installed and stable nghttp2 versions..."
VERSION_INSTALLED="$(brew list --versions | grep nghttp2 | awk '{print $2}')"
VERSION_STABLE="$(brew info --json=v1 nghttp2 | sed -E -e 's/.*"stable":"([^"]*).*/\1/')"
echo ""
echo "Latest version (${VERSION_STABLE}) seems to be installed already!";
read -r -p "Continue anyway? (Y/n): " REPLY
case "${REPLY:-y}" in
[yY] | [yY][Ee][Ss] ) ;;
*) echo "Cancelled ❌"; exit; ;;
if [ -z "$VERSION_INSTALLED" ]; then
echo "nghttp2 doesn't seem to be installed. Installing version ${VERSION_STABLE} now.";
FORMULAFILE="$(brew formula nghttp2)"
# Download the package.
printf "%s" "Downloading latest version of nghttp2 (${VERSION_STABLE})..."
brew fetch nghttp2 &> /dev/null
echo ""
# Change into the Homebrew cache folder.
cd "$(brew --cache)"
# Extract the archive.
printf "%s" "Extract the archive..."
tar xJf "${FILENAME}"
echo ""
# Apply the code changes from
printf "%s" "Apply code fix..."
sed -ibkp 's/return dconn;/return std::move(dconn);/g' \
"${FOLDERNAME}/src/" \
echo ""
# Compress the files to an archive and replace the original one.
printf "%s" "Create new archive..."
tar cJf ${FILENAME} ${FOLDERNAME} &> /dev/null
echo ""
# Get the checksum of the new archive.
SHASUM="$(sha256sum ${FILENAME} | awk '{print $1}')"
# Enter the new checksum in /usr/local/Homebrew/Library/Taps/homebrew/homebrew-core/Formula/nghttp2.rb
printf "%s" "Inject new checksum..."
sed -ibkp "s/sha256 \".*\"$/sha256 \"${SHASUM}\"/g" \
echo ""
# Install / Upgrade nghttp2.
if [ -z "$VERSION_INSTALLED" ]; then
printf "%s" "Starting nghttp2 ${VERSION_STABLE} ${ACTION}..."
brew $ACTION nghttp2 &> /dev/null
echo ""
# Reset the formula to prevent any repo update issues.
printf "%s" "Reset formula file..."
(cd "$(dirname $(brew formula nghttp2))" && git checkout "${FORMULAFILE}") &> /dev/null
echo ""
echo "All done 🎉"
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Thanks :) worked for me with 10.12.5

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ak9 commented Apr 6, 2020

Hi, with the latest version (nghttp2-1.40.0), there is an additional location requiring the same change:

sed -ibkp 's/return dconn;/return std::move(dconn);/g'

After this (along-side the change in shrpx_client_handler), the package compiles.


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Thanks for pointing that out @ak9, I've not had any problem compiling though, even though has had that line since forever.

Anyway, should it have caused problems for anyone, should be fixed now.

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typhonius commented Nov 17, 2020

Thanks this worked for me too (10.11.6), appreciate your work!

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