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Forked from markd2/spy.d
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
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  • Save nonstriater/d9940ccbea2326e93db0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nonstriater/d9940ccbea2326e93db0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
#!/usr/sbin/dtrace -s
/* Run like:
% sudo csh
Prints a line of dashes every 5 seconds to delineate different experiments.
#pragma D option quiet
/* don't gripe if $2 (interesting dude) is missing */
#pragma D option defaultargs
/* "Interesting" probemods/funcs cause a stack trace to be dumped when they float by */
interesting["-viewDidLoad"] = 1;
/* Some other examples:
interesting["UITouch"] = 1;
interesting["UITouch(UITouchInternal)"] = 1;
/* There is a _lot_ of noise in a typical program. This is a start on a filter of that stuff.
* Add something to ignores to stop any logging about that symbol. */
ignores["+alloc"] = 1;
ignores["+allocWithZone:"] = 1;
ignores["+array"] = 1;
ignores["+arrayWithObject:"] = 1;
ignores["+itemType:canBeEnabledForData:style:"] = 1;
ignores["+self"] = 1;
ignores["-_copyRenderLayer:layerFlags:commitFlags:"] = 1;
ignores["-_didCommitLayer:"] = 1;
ignores["-addObject:"] = 1;
ignores["-autorelease"] = 1;
ignores["-bounds"] = 1;
ignores["-class"] = 1;
ignores["-contents"] = 1;
ignores["-copy"] = 1;
ignores["-copyWithZone:"] = 1;
ignores["-count"] = 1;
ignores["-countByEnumeratingWithState:objects:count:"] = 1;
ignores["-dealloc"] = 1;
ignores["-frame"] = 1;
ignores["-hash"] = 1;
ignores["-init"] = 1;
ignores["-insertObject:atIndex:"] = 1;
ignores["-isKindOfClass"] = 1;
ignores["-layer"] = 1;
ignores["-length"] = 1;
ignores["-modelLayer"] = 1;
ignores["-objectAtIndex:"] = 1;
ignores["-opacity"] = 1;
ignores["-rawData"] = 1;
ignores["-release"] = 1;
ignores["-replaceObjectAtIndex:withObject:"] = 1;
ignores["-respondsToSelector:"] = 1;
ignores["-retain"] = 1;
ignores["-setItem:enabled:"] = 1;
ignores["-superlayer"] = 1;
printf ("Ignoring lots of common stuff\n");
/ignores[probefunc] != 1/
printf ("%s %s\n", probemod, probefunc);
/probemod == $$2 || probefunc == $$2 || interesting[probemod] == 1 || interesting[probefunc] == 1/
printf ("\nINTERESTING %s %s\n", probemod, probefunc);
printf ("--------------------------------------------------\n");
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