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Created May 11, 2023 07:35
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-- This intentionally only uses std, not mathlib
import Std.Data.Array.Lemmas
import Std
set_option autoImplicit false
/-- Arrays of a given size, H'T Kyle Miller -/
def SArray (α : Type _) (n : Nat) := {a : Array α // a.size = n}
namespace SArray
protected def push {α n} (a : SArray α n) (x : α) : SArray α (n + 1) :=
⟨a.1.push x, by rw [Array.size_push, a.2]⟩
protected def get {α n} (a : SArray α n) (i : Fin n) : α :=
a.1.get ⟨i, a.2.symm ▸ i.2
protected theorem get_push {α n} (a : SArray α n) (x : α) (i : Nat) (hi : i < n + 1) :
(a.push x).get (⟨i, hi⟩) = if h : i < n then a.get ⟨i, h⟩ else x := by
simp only [SArray.get, SArray.push, Array.get_eq_getElem, Array.get_push, a.2]
protected def empty {α}: SArray α 0 := ⟨Array.empty, rfl⟩
end SArray
namespace NatMemo
protected def memoVec {α} (f : (n : Nat) → (∀ i, i < n → α) → α ) :
(n : Nat) → SArray α n
| 0 => .empty
| n + 1 =>
let v := NatMemo.memoVec f n
v.push (f n (fun i ih => v.get ⟨i, ih⟩))
def memo {α} (f : (n : Nat) → (∀ i, i < n → α) → α) (n : Nat) : α :=
(NatMemo.memoVec f (n + 1)).get ⟨n, Nat.le_refl _⟩
def fix {α} (f : (n : Nat) → (∀ i, i < n → α) → α) (n : Nat) : α :=
f n (fun i _ => fix f i)
theorem memoVec_spec {α}
(g : Nat → α)
(f : (n : Nat) → (∀ i, i < n → α) → α)
(h : ∀ n, f n (fun i _ => g i) = g n)
n : ∀ i hi, (NatMemo.memoVec f n).get ⟨i, hi⟩ = g i := by
induction n
case zero =>
intro i hi
cases hi
case succ n ih =>
intro i hi
rw [NatMemo.memoVec]
apply Eq.trans (SArray.get_push _ _ _ _)
case inl hn =>
apply ih
case inr hn =>
have i_eq_n : i = n := Nat.le_antisymm (Nat.lt_succ.1 hi) (Nat.not_lt.1 hn)
rcases i_eq_n
rw [<- h]
congr with i hi'
apply ih
theorem memo_spec {α}
(g : Nat → α)
(f : (n : Nat) → (∀ i, i < n → α) → α)
(h : ∀ n, f n (fun i _ => g i) = g n) :
g = memo f := funext (fun _ => (memoVec_spec g f h _ _ _).symm)
end NatMemo
namespace NatMemoDemo
A small demo. Here a slow implemntation of a recursive function.
(The if inside is just to please the recursion checker, the condition is always true).
def slow (n : Nat) : Nat :=
1 + List.foldl (fun a i => a + (if _ : i<n then slow i else 0)) 0 (List.range n)
-- Kinda slow:
-- #eval (slow 20)
Define the fast version using the fixed-point version
def fast (n : Nat) : Nat :=
NatMemo.memo (fun n r =>
1 + List.foldl (fun a i => a + (if h : i<n then r i h else 0)) 0 (List.range n)
) n
And prove them to be qual. The csimp attribute makes Lean use the fast version
when evaluating.
theorem slow_is_fast: slow = fast := by
apply NatMemo.memo_spec
intro n
rw [slow]
-- Now faster:
-- #eval (slow 20)
end NatMemoDemo
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