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Forked from NicolasMahe/Yellow Blockchain
Last active March 18, 2021 12:18
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Save nolim1t/cb6a19ccb0d8b9540f6d00c1bef91a47 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.

Public IP:

Bitcoin mainnet

  • RPC https endpoint:
  • software: bitcoind v0.19.0.1
  • docker image: lncm/bitcoind:v0.19.0.1
  • rpc port: 8332
  • p2p port: 8333
  • ZMQ block notifications: 28332
  • ZMQ transaction notifications port: 28333

Ethereum mainnet

  • RPC https endpoint:
  • software: geth v1.9.10
  • light server enabled
  • rpc port: 8545
  • ws port: 8546
  • graphql port: 8547
  • p2p port: 30303

Ethereum ropsten

  • RPC https endpoint:
  • software: geth v1.9.10
  • light server enabled
  • rpc port: 8555
  • ws port: 8556
  • graphql port: 8557
  • p2p port: 30313

Ethereum rinkeby

  • RPC https endpoint:
  • software: geth v1.9.10
  • light server enabled
  • rpc port: 8565
  • ws port: 8566
  • graphql port: 8567
  • p2p port: 30323

Ethereum goerli

  • RPC https endpoint:
  • software: geth v1.9.10
  • light server enabled
  • rpc port: 8575
  • ws port: 8576
  • graphql port: 8577
  • p2p port: 30333

Ethereum classic

  • software: multi-geth v1.9.7
  • light server enabled
  • rpc port: 8585
  • ws port: 8586
  • graphql port: 8587
  • p2p port: 30343

Please tell me in this gist if anything is not working!

Docker containers setup

Let's encrypt and nginx proxy

Step 1

docker run --detach \
    --name nginx-proxy \
    --publish 80:80 \
    --publish 443:443 \
    --volume /etc/nginx/certs \
    --volume /home/yellow/nginx/vhost.d:/etc/nginx/vhost.d \
    --volume /home/yellow/nginx/html:/usr/share/nginx/html \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/tmp/docker.sock:ro \

Step 2

docker run --detach \
    --name nginx-proxy-letsencrypt \
    --volumes-from nginx-proxy \
    --volume /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro \
    --env "" \

Add to each container

--env "VIRTUAL_HOST=othersubdomain.yourdomain.tld" \
--env "VIRTUAL_PORT=3000" \
--env "LETSENCRYPT_HOST=othersubdomain.yourdomain.tld" \
--env "" \

Bitcoin mainnet

docker run --detach \
  --name bitcoind-lncm-mainnet \
  --mount type=volume,source=bitcoind-lncm-mainnet,destination=/root/.bitcoin \
  --publish 8332:8332 \
  --publish 8333:8333 \
  --publish 28332:28332 \
  --publish 28333:28333 \
  --restart=always \
  --env "" \
  --env "VIRTUAL_PORT=8332" \
  --env "" \
  --env "" \

Ethereum mainnet

docker run --detach \
  --name geth-mainnet \
  --mount type=volume,source=geth-mainnet,destination=/root/.ethereum \
  --publish 8545:8545 \
  --publish 8546:8546 \
  --publish 8547:8547 \
  --publish 30303:30303 \
  --restart=always \
  --env "" \
  --env "VIRTUAL_PORT=8545" \
  --env "" \
  --env "" \
  ethereum/client-go:v1.9.10 \
  --nat "extip:" \
  --light.serve 100 \
  --rpc \
  --rpcaddr "" \
  --rpcvhosts "*" \
  --rpccorsdomain "*" \
  --ws \
  --wsaddr "" \
  --wsorigins "*" \
  --graphql \
  --graphql.addr "" \
  --graphql.corsdomain "*" \
  --graphql.vhosts "*"

Ethereum ropsten

docker run --detach \
  --name geth-ropsten \
  --mount type=volume,source=geth-ropsten,destination=/root/.ethereum \
  --publish 8555:8545 \
  --publish 8556:8546 \
  --publish 8557:8547 \
  --publish 30313:30303 \
  --restart=always \
  --env "" \
  --env "VIRTUAL_PORT=8545" \
  --env "" \
  --env "" \
  ethereum/client-go:v1.9.10 \
  --nat "extip:" \
  --light.serve 100 \
  --rpc \
  --rpcaddr "" \
  --rpcvhosts "*" \
  --rpccorsdomain "*" \
  --ws \
  --wsaddr "" \
  --wsorigins "*" \
  --graphql \
  --graphql.addr "" \
  --graphql.corsdomain "*" \
  --graphql.vhosts "*" \

Ethereum rinkeby

docker run --detach \
  --name geth-rinkeby \
  --mount type=volume,source=geth-rinkeby,destination=/root/.ethereum \
  --publish 8565:8545 \
  --publish 8566:8546 \
  --publish 8567:8547 \
  --publish 30323:30303 \
  --restart=always \
  --env "" \
  --env "VIRTUAL_PORT=8545" \
  --env "" \
  --env "" \
  ethereum/client-go:v1.9.10 \
  --nat "extip:" \
  --light.serve 100 \
  --rpc \
  --rpcaddr "" \
  --rpcvhosts "*" \
  --rpccorsdomain "*" \
  --ws \
  --wsaddr "" \
  --wsorigins "*" \
  --graphql \
  --graphql.addr "" \
  --graphql.corsdomain "*" \
  --graphql.vhosts "*" \

Ethereum goerli

docker run --detach \
  --name geth-goerli \
  --mount type=volume,source=geth-goerli,destination=/root/.ethereum \
  --publish 8575:8545 \
  --publish 8576:8546 \
  --publish 8577:8547 \
  --publish 30333:30303 \
  --restart=always \
  --env "" \
  --env "VIRTUAL_PORT=8545" \
  --env "" \
  --env "" \
  ethereum/client-go:v1.9.10 \
  --nat "extip:" \
  --light.serve 100 \
  --rpc \
  --rpcaddr "" \
  --rpcvhosts "*" \
  --rpccorsdomain "*" \
  --ws \
  --wsaddr "" \
  --wsorigins "*" \
  --graphql \
  --graphql.addr "" \
  --graphql.corsdomain "*" \
  --graphql.vhosts "*" \

Ethereum classic

docker run --detach \
  --name multigeth-classic \
  --mount type=volume,source=multigeth-classic,destination=/root/.ethereum \
  --publish 8585:8545 \
  --publish 8586:8546 \
  --publish 8587:8547 \
  --publish 30343:30303 \
  --restart=always \
  multigeth/multi-geth:version-1.9.7 \
  --nat "extip:" \
  --light.serve 100 \
  --rpc \
  --rpcaddr "" \
  --rpcvhosts "*" \
  --rpccorsdomain "*" \
  --ws \
  --wsaddr "" \
  --wsorigins "*" \
  --graphql \
  --graphql.addr "" \
  --graphql.corsdomain "*" \
  --graphql.vhosts "*" \
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