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Created April 14, 2020 13:47
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An HList in Dotty (which doesn't compile)
import scala.compiletime._
import scala.compiletime.ops.any
// This is a standard HList plus data is keyed by a type K
sealed trait HList {
def :::[K <: AnyVal, V](data: V): HCons[K, V, this.type] = HCons(data, this)
inline def contains[K <: AnyVal]: Boolean =
inline this match {
case HNil => false
case h: HCons[k, v, t] =>
inline if(constValue[any.==[K, k]]) true
else h.tail.contains[K]
final case class HCons[K <: AnyVal, V, T <: HList](data: V, tail: T) extends HList
case object HNil extends HList
object HListExamples extends App {
val list = HNil.:::["name", String]("Dotty")
// Compilation fails with
// [error] 21 | assert(list.contains["name"] == true)
// [error] | ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
// [error] |cannot reduce inline match with
// [error] | scrutinee: {
// [error] | HList_this
// [error] |} : (HList_this : (HListExamples.list : HCons[("name" : String), String, HNil.type])
// [error] | )
// [error] | patterns : case HNil
// [error] | case h @ _:HCons[k @ _, v @ _, t @ _]
// [error] | This location contains code that was inlined from HList.scala:8
assert(list.contains["name"] == true)
assert(list.contains["segfaults"] == false)
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