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Last active November 7, 2017 17:23
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For scala, using typesafe config, read default config and read runtime config if given via cmdline option
Prior to this, I would build up `cfgMap` from my command line options.
If `'config` exists, that will load the run time config file and overlay it on top of the default config.
// setup our default config
lazy val defaultConfig = ConfigFactory.parseResources("default.conf")
var conf = defaultConfig
// do we have a runtime config file?
val cfgFilePath = cfgMap.getOrElse('config, Nil)
if (cfgFilePath != Nil) {
lazy val userConfig = ConfigFactory
.parseFile(new File(cfgFilePath.toString))
conf = userConfig.withFallback(defaultConfig)
conf = conf.resolve()
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