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Created January 21, 2024 13:38
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web patcher
/* BEGIN UI initialization */
// create audio context
const WAContext = window.AudioContext || window.webkitAudioContext;
const context = new WAContext();
// create workspace DOM elements
const workspace = document.getElementById('workspace');
const navBar = document.getElementById('ui-container');
// create dropdown of all WASM devices
const deviceDropdown = document.createElement('select');
// set of available WASM devices
const wasmDeviceURLs = [
// load each WASM device into dropdown
wasmDeviceURLs.sort().forEach((url) => {
const option = document.createElement('option');
option.value = url;
let filename = url.replace(/wasm\//, '').replace(/\.json$/, '');
option.innerText = filename;
// add dropdown to navBar
// create button to select WASM device
const deviceSelectButton = document.createElement('button');
deviceSelectButton.innerText = 'Add';
deviceSelectButton.onclick = async () => {
// get selected WASM file
const url = deviceDropdown.value;
if (url === "mic") {
// TODO: fix intermittent garbled microphone audio
// get access to the microphone
const stream = await navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({ audio: true });
// create a source node from the stream
const source = context.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
// create a wrapper object for the source
const device = {
node: source,
it: {
T: {
outlets: [{ comment: 'microphone output' }], // these need to exist so they work like the other WASM modules built with RNBO
inlets: [{ comment: 'microphone input' }]
// add device to workspace
addDeviceToWorkspace(device, "microphone input");
} else {
// fetch the patcher
const response = await fetch(url);
const patcher = await response.json();
// create the WASM device
const device = await RNBO.createDevice({ context, patcher });
let filename = url.replace(/wasm\//, '').replace(/\.json$/, '');
// add device to workspace
addDeviceToWorkspace(device, filename);
// add button next to dropdown in navBar
/* END UI initialization */
let deviceCounts = {};
let devices = {};
let sourceDeviceId = null;
let sourceOutputIndex = null;
let selectedDevice = null;
let shiftHeld = false;
/* BEGIN audio i/o devices section */
// TODO: refactor this more, so the output node is a WASM device
// create microphone input module
const micInputOption = document.createElement('option');
micInputOption.value = "mic";
micInputOption.innerText = "Microphone Input";
const outputNodeDevice = {
device: { node: context.destination },
div: document.createElement('div')
}; = 'output-node';
outputNodeDevice.div.className = 'node';
// create an input button for the output node device
const inputButton = document.createElement('button');
inputButton.innerText = 'signal in';
inputButton.onclick = () => finishConnection('output-node'); = 'block';
// insert the input button at the beginning of the output node device
outputNodeDevice.div.insertBefore(inputButton, outputNodeDevice.div.firstChild);
// add the text to the output node device
// add the output node device to the workspace
// make the output node device draggable
jsPlumb.ready(function() {
// add the output node device to the devices array so it can be accessed like the WASM devices
devices['output-node'] = outputNodeDevice;
/* END audio out device section */
/* BEGIN event handlers */
jsPlumb.bind("connectionDetached", function(info) {
let sourceDevice = devices[info.sourceId];
let targetDevice = devices[info.targetId];
if (sourceDevice && targetDevice) {
document.addEventListener('keydown', function(event) {
// delete the selected device when the Delete / Backspace key is pressed
if ((event.key === 'Delete' || event.key === 'Backspace') && selectedDevice) {
selectedDevice = null;
// listen for the keydown event
window.addEventListener('keydown', (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Shift') {
shiftHeld = true;
// listen for the keyup event
window.addEventListener('keyup', (event) => {
if (event.key === 'Shift') {
shiftHeld = false;
/* END event handlers */
/* BEGIN functions */
function addDeviceToWorkspace(device, deviceType) {
// get count for this device type and increment it
const count = deviceCounts[deviceType] || 0;
deviceCounts[deviceType] = count + 1;
// create a new div for the device
const deviceDiv = document.createElement('div'); = `${deviceType}-${count}`;
deviceDiv.className = 'node';
deviceDiv.innerText = `${deviceType}`; = 'lightgray';
// store the device and its div
devices[] = { device, div: deviceDiv };
const hrElement = document.createElement('hr');
// append the <hr> element to deviceDiv
// create an inport form for the device
const inportForm = addInputsForDevice(device);
inportForm.addEventListener('submit', function(event) {
// create a container for the output buttons
const outputContainer = document.createElement('div');
outputContainer.className = 'output-container';
// create a delete button for the device
const deleteButton = document.createElement('button');
deleteButton.innerText = 'x';
deleteButton.className = 'delete-button';
deleteButton.addEventListener('click', function() {
// get all connections of the device
let deviceConnections = jsPlumb.getConnections({source:});
// delete each connection which will trigger the 'connectionDetached' event
deviceConnections.forEach(connection => jsPlumb.deleteConnection(connection));
// remove the device div
// create an output button for the device, index) => {
const outputButton = document.createElement('button');
outputButton.innerText = `${output.comment}`;
outputButton.onclick = () => startConnection(, index);
// create a container for the input buttons
const inputContainer = document.createElement('div');
inputContainer.className = 'input-container';
// create an input button for each input, index) => {
const inputButton = document.createElement('button');
inputButton.innerText = `${input.comment}`;
inputButton.onclick = () => finishConnection(, index);
// add the div to the workspace
// select multiple devices when shift is held
deviceDiv.addEventListener('mousedown', (event) => {
if (shiftHeld) {
function removeDeviceFromWorkspace(deviceId) {
const { device, div } = devices[deviceId];
// remove the device div from the workspace
// disconnect the device from the web audio graph
// remove the device from storage
delete devices[deviceId];
function addInputsForDevice(device) {
const inportForm = document.createElement('form');
const inportContainer = document.createElement('div');
let inportTag = null;
let inports = [];
const messages = device.messages;
if (typeof messages !== 'undefined') {
inports = messages.filter(message => message.type === RNBO.MessagePortType.Inport);
if (inports.length > 0) {
inports.forEach(inport => {
const inportLabel = document.createElement("label");
inportLabel.innerText = inport.tag;
const inportText = document.createElement('input');
inportText.type = 'text'; = '8em';
inportText.addEventListener('change', function() {
const values = this.value.split(/\s+/).map(s => parseFloat(s));
let messageEvent = new RNBO.MessageEvent(RNBO.TimeNow, inport.tag, values);
return inportForm;
function startConnection(deviceId, outputIndex) {
sourceDeviceId = deviceId;
sourceOutputIndex = outputIndex;
function finishConnection(deviceId, inputIndex) {
if (sourceDeviceId) {
const sourceDevice = devices[sourceDeviceId].device;
const targetDevice = devices[deviceId].device;
// connect the source device to the target device in the web audio API
sourceDevice.node.connect(targetDevice.node, sourceOutputIndex, inputIndex);
// visualize the connection
const connection = jsPlumb.connect({
source: sourceDeviceId,
target: deviceId,
anchors: [
["Perimeter", { shape: "Rectangle", anchorCount: 50 }],
["Perimeter", { shape: "Rectangle", anchorCount: 50 }]
endpoint: ["Dot", { radius: 4 }],
paintStyle: { stroke: "black", strokeWidth: 3, fill: "transparent" },
endpointStyle: { fill: "black", outlineStroke: "transparent", outlineWidth: 12 },
connector: ["Straight"], // Changed from "Bezier" to "Straight"
overlays: [
["Arrow", { width: 12, length: 12, location: 1 }],
["Custom", {
create: function() {
return document.createElement("div");
location: 0.5,
id: "customOverlay"
sourceDeviceId = null;
sourceOutputIndex = null;
/* END functions */
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