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Created December 20, 2020 22:51
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decorator with params!
.| decorator |.
/ '-----------' \
/ \
/ \
/ \
----' '------
.-----------------. .------------------------------.
| <no args> | | with args |
| V | | V |
| @timeit | | @timeit(1,'2',['3', 3.1415]) |
| def func(): ... | | def func(): ... |
'-----------------' '------------------------------'
| |
v v
.------------. .-------------.
| use timeit | | use timeit2 |
'------------' '-------------'
Короче, декоратор без параметров - timeit
декоратор с параметрами - timeit2
import time
def timeit(our_function):
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
# pre ...
start = time.time()
return_val = our_function(*args, **kwargs)
# post
end = time.time()
print(f'Начало в : ', start)
print(f'Окончено в : ', end)
print(f'Длительность: ', end - start)
return return_val
return wrapper
def timeit2(space=''):
def matreshka1(our_function):
def matreshka2(*args, **kwargs):
# pre ...
start = time.time()
return_val = our_function(*args, **kwargs)
end = time.time()
print(f'{space}Начало в : ', start)
print(f'{space}Окончено в : ', end)
print(f'{space}Длительность: ', end - start)
# post ...
return return_val
return matreshka2
return matreshka1
def f1():
return 'bs1'
@timeit2('>>> ')
def f2():
return 150
@timeit2('>>> ')
def f3():
return 350
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