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Created June 23, 2014 00:39
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Proof-of-concept of AngularJS-inspired dependency injection in React.js
Forge = require 'forge-di'
MonkeyPatcher = require './util/MonkeyPatcher'
Store = require './services/Store'
# Create the Forge and monkey-patch React.createClass() so it can inject dependencies.
forge = new Forge()
# Register component bindings
React = require 'react'
_ = require 'underscore'
createClass = React.createClass
MonkeyPatcher = {}
MonkeyPatcher.patchReact = (forge) ->
return unless React.createClass is createClass
React.createClass = (dependencies..., spec) ->
if _.isFunction(spec)
args = dependencies, (dep) ->
if is 'forge' then forge else forge.get(dep)
spec = spec.apply(spec, args)
module.exports = MonkeyPatcher
React = require 'react'
{div} = React.DOM
# If the last argument to React.createClass() is a function, the arguments will be resolved
# via Forge and passed to the function, allowing their use inside the component's functions.
Test = React.createClass 'store', (store) ->
getInitialState: ->
render: ->
(div {}, "Sup, my name is #{}")
module.exports = Test
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nkohari commented Jun 23, 2014

It might help to point out that the forge-di dependency in this is my DI framework here:

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Curious what this really adds over passing things via props.

To me the simplicity of React is that it's about top level data and control, if you're passing things around into components that aren't data your hierarchy is probably a bit weird. (I've been using React in projects for a few months and I've not yet come across a use case that would need the above?)

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nkohari commented Jun 23, 2014

I guess it depends on how militant you are about single responsibilities and loose coupling. For example, if you have components that receive new state via a web socket, you might want the "socket manager" piece to be injected via the closure rather than having it be a static dependency.

The way I've seen this typically solved is by putting state within the CommonJS module that's required, but that requires monkey-patching in order to test things, and can get unwieldy. In the end it's really a matter of choice, though.

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