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Created April 19, 2022 08:07
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function parseLogs(logs) {
const logsArray = logs.split('\n').map(eachLog => eachLog.split(','))
const normalisedArray = normaliseArray(logsArray)
const logsWithSeconds =[timestamp, phoneNumber]) =>
[calculateTotalSeconds(timestamp), phoneNumber])
const grouped = groupByPhoneNumber(logsWithSeconds)
const phoneNumberWithLargestTotal = getPhoneNumberWithLargestTotalSeconds(grouped)
grouped[phoneNumberWithLargestTotal] = 0
return calculateTotalBill(logsWithSeconds, phoneNumberWithLargestTotal)
function normaliseArray(logsArray) {
const lastElementIdx = logsArray.length - 1
if (logsArray[lastElementIdx].length === 1 && logsArray[lastElementIdx][0] === '') {
return logsArray.slice(0, -1)
return logsArray
function calculateTotalBill(logsWithSeconds, phoneNumberWithLargestTotal) {
const FIVE_MINUTES = 5 * 60
return logsWithSeconds.reduce((acc, [totalSeconds, phoneNumber]) => {
if (phoneNumber !== phoneNumberWithLargestTotal) {
switch (true) {
case totalSeconds < FIVE_MINUTES:
acc = acc + totalSeconds * 3
case totalSeconds >= FIVE_MINUTES:
const numOfMinutes = Math.trunc(totalSeconds / 60)
acc = acc + numOfMinutes * 150
return acc
}, 0)
function calculateTotalSeconds(timestamp) {
const [hours, minutes, seconds] = timestamp.split(':')
return Number(hours) * 60 * 60 + Number(minutes) * 60 + Number(seconds)
function groupByPhoneNumber(logs) {
return logs.reduce((acc, val) => {
const [ seconds, phoneNumber ] = val
if (!acc.hasOwnProperty(phoneNumber)) {
acc[phoneNumber] = seconds
} else {
acc[phoneNumber] = acc[phoneNumber] + seconds
return acc
}, {})
function getPhoneNumberWithLargestTotalSeconds(logs) {
const logsArray = Object.keys(logs).map(key => [key, logs[key]])
let largestTotal = 0
let phoneNumberWithLargestTotal = ''
logsArray.forEach(([phoneNumber, totalSeconds]) => {
if (totalSeconds > largestTotal) {
largestTotal = totalSeconds
phoneNumberWithLargestTotal = phoneNumber
} else if (totalSeconds === largestTotal) {
if (Number(phoneNumber.replace(/-/g, '')) < Number(phoneNumberWithLargestTotal.replace(/-/g, ''))) {
phoneNumberWithLargestTotal = phoneNumber
return phoneNumberWithLargestTotal
module.exports = parseLogs
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