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Forked from georgestephanis/client.js
Created March 1, 2024 09:12
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This is an example client app to integrate with the WordPress 5.6 Application Passwords system. It walks the user through authenticating, and then queries and enumerates all users on the site.
const $root = $( '#root' );
const $stage1 = $( '.stage-1', $root );
const $stage2 = $( '.stage-2', $root );
// If there's no GET string, then no credentials have been passed back. Let's get them.
if ( ! window.location.href.includes('?') ) {
// Stage 1: Get the WordPress Site URL, Validate the REST API, and Send to the Authentication Flow
const $urlInput = $( 'input[type=url]', $stage1 );
$('input[type=submit]', $stage1).click(function(event){
if ( $urlInput[0].validity.valid ) {
let linky = $urlInput.val() + '?rest_route=/';
$stage1.append( '<p>Attempting to query <a href="' + linky + '">' + linky + '</a>…</p>' );
$.getJSON( linky, function( data ) {
// If it doesn't look like a WordPress REST API response, bail!
if ( ! data.url ) {
$stage1.append( '<p>Error: ' + linky + ' does not seem to be a WordPress REST API.</p>' );
console.log( data );
// Yay, we found WordPress! Report back to the user.
$stage1.append( '<p>Success: Found <strong>' + data['name'] + '</strong>' +
( data.description ? ': <em>' + data.description + '</em></p>' : '</p>' ) );
// If no Application Passwords, bail.
if ( ! data.authentication['application-passwords'] ) {
$stage1.append('<p>Looks like Application Passwords is not available!</p>');
// Yay we have Application Passwords!
const authorizationLinky = data.authentication['application-passwords'].endpoints.authorization +
'?' + $.param( {
app_name: 'Test Application',
// We're appending `site_url` here until core passes the siteurl back with it.
success_url: location.href + '?site_url=' + linky.split('?')[0]
} );
// Display the link for the user to authenticate.
$stage1.append( '<p>Would you like to <a href="' + authorizationLinky + '">authenticate with that site</a>?</p>' );
} );
} else {
$stage1.append( '<p>Error: ' + $urlInput.val() + ' does not seem to validate as a url.</p>') ;
} else {
const credentials = new URLSearchParams( window.location.href.split('?')[1] );
$stage2.append( '<p>Got credentials! user: <kbd>' + credentials.get('user_login') + '</kbd>' +
' pass: <kbd>' + credentials.get('password') + '</kbd></p>' );
const api_root = credentials.get('site_url') + '?rest_route=/';
$stage2.append( '<p>Making authenticated request to site to list users…</p>' );
// using & instead of ? as we're already using the rest_route get arg.
$.ajax( api_root + 'wp/v2/users&context=edit', {
crossDomain: true,
headers: {
"Authorization": "Basic " + btoa( credentials.get('user_login') + ":" + credentials.get('password') )
success: function( data ) {
$stage2.append( '<p>Found ' + data.length + ' user(s):</p>' );
$.each( data, function( index, user ) {
$stage2.append( '<p>User ID ' + + ': "' + user.username + '" &lt;' + + '&gt;</p>' );
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<link rel="shortcut icon" href="data:image/x-icon;," type="image/x-icon">
<title>WordPress REST API / Application Password Client</title>
<div id="root">
<form class="stage-1">
<input type="url" name="wordpressUrl" placeholder="WordPress URL…" />
<input type="submit" value="Go »" />
<div class="stage-2"></div>
<script src=""></script>
<script src="./client.js"></script>
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