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Last active August 17, 2024 23:59
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very simple wave function collapse thingy
from import Iterable
import math
import heapq
import random
from collections import deque
import time
type WeightedOptions = list[tuple[int, int]]
UP = 0b1000
RIGHT = 0b0100
DOWN = 0b0010
LEFT = 0b0001
def entropy(weights: Iterable[int]) -> float:
ws = sum(weights)
weights = (w / ws for w in weights)
return -sum(p * math.log2(p) if p > 0 else 0 for p in weights)
class Cell:
options: WeightedOptions
def __init__(self, index, options: WeightedOptions):
self.index = index
self._options = options
self._entropy = None
self.collapsed = False
def options(self):
return self._options
def options(self, value):
self._options = value
self._entropy = None
def entropy(self) -> float:
if self._entropy is None:
self._entropy = entropy([w for _, w in self.options])
return self._entropy
def collapse(self, wave: 'Wave'):
self.collapsed = True
options, weights = zip(*self.options)
option = wave.rng.choices(options, k=1, weights=weights)[0]
self.options = [(option, 1)]
def __lt__(self, other: 'Cell'):
return self.entropy < other.entropy
def __repr__(self):
return (f'<{self.__class__.__name__} collapsed={self.collapsed} '
f'index={self.index} entropy={self.entropy:.4f}>')
class Wave:
# entropy, index, possible tiles
grid: list[Cell]
# maps index to cell.
grid_map: dict[int, Cell]
def __init__(self, width: int, height: int, options: WeightedOptions):
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.options = options
self.rng = random.Random()
def reset(self):
self.grid = [Cell(i, self.options[:]) for i in range(self.width * self.height)]
self.grid_map = {c.index: c for c in self.grid}
def get_minimum_entropy_tile(self) -> Cell | None:
minvalues = []
others = []
while self.grid:
cell: Cell = heapq.heappop(self.grid)
if cell.collapsed:
elif not minvalues:
elif math.isclose(minvalues[0].entropy, cell.entropy):
for cell in others:
heapq.heappush(self.grid, cell)
for cell in minvalues:
heapq.heappush(self.grid, cell)
if not minvalues:
return None
return self.rng.choice(minvalues)
def collapse(self):
while True:
cell = self.get_minimum_entropy_tile()
if cell is None:
if not self.collapse_cell(cell):
def collapse_cell(self, cell: Cell):
return self.propagate(cell)
def propagate(self, cell: Cell):
stack = deque([cell])
while stack:
cell = stack.popleft()
for nexti, direction in self.neighbours(cell.index):
other_cell = self.get(nexti)
if other_cell.collapsed:
options_before = other_cell.options[:]
options_after = self.reduce(cell, other_cell, direction)
if options_before != options_after:
other_cell.options = options_after
if not other_cell.options:
return False
return True
def neighbours(self, index: int):
y, x = divmod(index, self.width)
for dx, dy, direction in [(0, -1, UP), (1, 0, RIGHT), (0, 1, DOWN), (-1, 0, LEFT)]:
nx, ny = dx + x, dy + y
if self.in_range(nx, ny):
ni = ny * self.width + nx
yield ni, direction
def in_range(self, x, y):
return 0 <= x < self.width and 0 <= y < self.height
def get(self, x_or_i: int, y: int | None = None) -> Cell:
if y is not None:
index = y * self.width + x_or_i
index = x_or_i
return self.grid_map[index]
def reduce(a: Cell, b: Cell, direction: int) -> WeightedOptions:
direction is from a to b. e.g. "UP" means "b" is above "a", so we
have to compare a's "UP" side, and b's "DOWN" side.
return new list of weighted options for "b".
if direction not in (UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT):
raise ValueError('Invalid value for direction.')
other_direction = direction >> 2 if direction > 2 else direction << 2
keep = []
for tp_b, w in b.options:
for tp_a, _ in a.options:
if bool(tp_a & direction) == bool(tp_b & other_direction):
keep.append((tp_b, w))
return keep
def dbg(lst: WeightedOptions):
def _dbg_opt(opt):
v, w = opt
vals = []
for s, l in ((UP, 'UP'), (RIGHT, 'RIGHT'), (DOWN, 'DOWN'), (LEFT, 'LEFT')):
if v & s:
return '(' + ' | '.join(vals) + f', {w})'
return f'[' + ', '.join(_dbg_opt(ow) for ow in lst) + ']'
def output(w: Wave):
boxes: list[list[None | list[str]]] = [[None] * w.width for _ in range(w.height)]
a = '\033[33;43m##\033[0m'
b = '\033[32;42m \033[0m'
for y in range(w.height):
for x in range(w.width):
cell = w.get(x, y)
if cell.collapsed:
opt = cell.options[0][0]
boxes[y][x] = [
b + a + b if opt & UP else b + b + b,
a if opt & LEFT else b,
a if opt else b,
a if opt & RIGHT else b,
b + a + b if opt & DOWN else b + b + b,
boxes[y][x] = [' ', f'{len(cell.options):^6d}', ' ']
for y in range(w.height):
for i in range(3):
for x in range(w.width):
print(boxes[y][x][i], end='')
def main() -> None:
options = [
(0, 10),
(UP | DOWN, 10),
(LEFT | RIGHT, 10),
(LEFT | DOWN, 10),
(LEFT | UP, 10),
(RIGHT | DOWN, 10),
(RIGHT | UP, 10),
# T-cross roads (3-way)
(UP | RIGHT | DOWN, 5),
(DOWN | LEFT | UP, 5),
(LEFT | UP | RIGHT, 5),
# 4-way intersection
(LEFT | RIGHT | UP | DOWN, 2),
w = Wave(25, 15, options)
while True:
x1 = w.rng.choice(range(1, w.width - 1))
x2 = w.rng.choice(range(1, w.width - 1))
for x in range(w.width):
c = w.get(x, 0)
c.options = [(0 if x1 != x else UP | DOWN, 1)]
c = w.get(x, w.height - 1)
c.options = [(0 if x2 != x else UP | DOWN, 1)]
for y in range(w.height):
c = w.get(0, y)
c.options = [(0, 1)]
c = w.get(w.width - 1, y)
c.options = [(0, 1)]
if __name__ == '__main__':
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