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Last active June 7, 2018 06:09
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js_basics 20180606
// Comments are text that will not be executed in your code. Rather comments are for other programmers to read.
// Single line comments start with //
/* Multiple line comments start with*/ /* and end with */
/* All of the exercises below are commented out. Write your Javascript code after each exercise. */
/* Variables and Data Types */
/*Console.log each variable and test your code in the terminal using the Node REPL*/
var pet = "sebastian the pug";
console.log(pet); // <= this should print out sebastian the pug
* #1
* Variables with a "String" value
* Declare variables named firstName, lastName, birthPlace, favFood, favDrink, favSong, favAnimal, favColor, favSport, favDoughnut.
* Assign your own string values to each variable and console.log each variable.
var firstName = 'Nathan';
var lastName = 'N';
var birthPlace = 'Hawaii';
var favFood = 'pizza';
var favDrink = 'POG';
var favSong = 'Hello';
var favAnimal = 'dog';
var favColor = 'blue';
var favSport = 'soccer';
var favDoughnut = 'cake';
* #2
* Variables with a Number value
* Declare variables named favNumber, yourShoeSize, thatOnePrinceSong, floorsAlaMoanaHotel, numOfJapanPrefectures, numOfABCstoresinHi, and cheesecakesFlavAtCheeseCakeFac
* Assign your own number values to each variable and console.log each variable.
* #3
* Variables with a Boolean value
* Declare variables named likesMcDonalds, eatsDoughnuts and ownsRedShoes.
* Assign your own boolean values to each variable and console.log each variable.
* Now, use comparison and logic operators (>, <, >=, <=, ===, !==) to make the following variables True of False
* Console.log each variable.
//For example:
//Make me True:
var booya1 = 3 > 2;
console.log('1', booya1);
//Make me False:
var booya2 = likesMcDonalds === ownsRedShoes;
console.log('2', booya2);
//Make me True:
var booya3 = likesMcDonalds !== ownsRedShoes;
console.log('3', booya3);
var likesMcDonalds = true;
var eatsDoughnuts = true;
var ownsRedShoes = false;
//Make me False:
var booya4 = eatsDoughnuts === ownsRedShoes;
console.log('4', booya4);
//Make me True:
var booya5 = likesMcDonalds > ownsRedShoes;
console.log('5', booya5);
//Make me False:
var booya6 = likesMcDonalds <= ownsRedShoes;
console.log('6', booya6);
* #4
* Variables with a Null value
* Declare variables named completedPrepClass, traveledToMars and buyVicADrink.
* Assign a null value to each variable and console.log each variable.
* #5
* Variables with a undefined value.
* Declare a variable named superBowlChamps, nextPres and hawaiiRail.
* Do not assign a value to the variable and console.log each variable.
* #6
* Variables with an Array value
* Declare a variable named plateLunch and assign it an array containing 5 of your favorite lunch items.
* Declare a variable named `donutBox` and assign it an array containing 5 donuts of your choosing.
* Declare a variable named `westCoast` and assign it an array containing states found on the west coast of the US.
* Declare a variable named `lotteryResult and assign it an array containing 5 random numbers.
* Declare a variable named `hamajang` and assign it an array containing 6 different data types.
* Declare a variable named `dynamicDuos` and assign it an array containing 3 arrays, with each array containing items that match with one another.
* Console.log each variable.
var plateLunch = ['sandwich', 'drink', 'fruit', 'vegetables', 'chocolate'];
var donutBox = ['maple bar', 'bavarian', 'chocolate', 'apple fritter', 'Simpson'];
var hamajang = ['hello world', 3, true, null, undefined, []]
* Accessing values in Arrays
* var partyList = ["carrot cake", "gin & tonic", "kalua pork nachos", "double stuff oreos", "cool ranch doritos", "orange chicken"];
Console.log the entire array.
Console.log the length of this array.
Console.log only "carrot cake" from this array.
Console.log only "cool ranch doritos" from this array
var partyList = ["carrot cake", "gin & tonic", "kalua pork nachos", "double stuff oreos", "cool ranch doritos", "orange chicken"];
* #8
* Concatenation
* Concatenate the variables `firstName` and `lastName` from exercise 1 and store them into a new variable called `fullName` (don't forget to include a space between the firstName and lastName).
* Using the fullName and birthPlace variables, console.log the following:
* "Hi my name is fullName and I was born in birthPlace."
* i.e "Hi my name is Bruce Wayne and I was born in Gotham."
* #9
* Arithmetic
* Variables with the outcome of an arithmetic operation.
* Declare two variables, `num1` and `num2` and assign each of these variables a number of your choosing.
* Next perform the following arithmetic operations:
* Add the two variables and store it to new variable named sum.
* Subtract the two variables and store it to a new variable named difference.
* Mulitply the two variables and store it to a new variable named product.
* Divide the two variables and store it to a new variable named quotient.
* Find the remainder (modulus) of the two variables and store in to a new variable names leftOver.
* Console.log each new variable.
* #10
* Comparisons & Logic
* Variables with the outcome of a comparison operation:
* Declare a variable named `isStrictlyEqual` and compare two strings "Tacocat" and "tacocat" using the strict equality (===).
* Declare another variable named `isLooselyEqual` and compare the two strings "Tacocat" and "tacocat" using equality (==).
* Declare a variable named `sameNum` and compare a string "5" and a number 5 using strict equality.
* Declare another variable named `sameNumba` and compare a string "5" and a number 5 using equality.
* Console.log the variables. Do you see the difference between strict equality vs. equality?
var isStrictlyEqual = "Tacocat" === "tacocat";
var isLooselyEqual = "Tacocat" == "tacocat";
* #11
* Logical AND Logical OR
* Use comparison and logic operators (>, <, >=, <=, ===, !==) with the logical && and logical || to make the following variables True of False:
//Use && to make me True
var booya7 = 5 > 3 && 2 > 1;
console.log('7', booya7);
//Use && to make me False
var booya8 = 4 < 3 && 3 === 3 ;
console.log('8', booya8);
//Use || to make me True
var booya9 = 5 > 2 || 3 < 1 ;
console.log('9', booya9);
//Use || to make me False
var booya10 = 3 > 4 || 5 > 6 ;
console.log('10', booya10);
//Console.log each variable
* #12
* Assignments
* Variables with the outcome of an assignment operation (+=, -=, *=, /=, %=):
* Declare a variable named `myNum` and assign it with a number of your choosing.
* Change the value of the muNum variable by using the assignment operators and console.log myNum after each assignment.
var count = 1;
count += 1;
console.log('count', count);
//increment and assign 3 (+=):
//decrement and assign 1 (-=):
//multiple and assign 2 (*=);
//divide and assign 5 (/=);
//modulo and assign 4 (%=);
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