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Last active August 24, 2024 22:32
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using `[List[Object]]` to build native `git` command arguments


GetLogs 4 -OneLine
GetLogs -Since ([datetime]::Now.AddDays(-7)) -OneLine -Limit 3
GetLogs -Since ([datetime]::Now.AddDays(-7)) -OneLine
GetLogs -Since ([datetime]::Now.AddDays(-7))
using namespace System.Collections.Generic
function GetLogs {
# BinArgs is built conditionally based on what parameters are used
[int] $Limit,
[datetime] $Since,
[switch] $OneLine,
# preview the command line that's generated without running git
[switch] $WhatIf
[List[Object]] $binArgs = @( 'log' )
if( $Limit -gt 0 ) {
'-n', $Limit ))
if( $OneLine ) { $binArgs.Add( '--pretty=oneline' ) }
if( $Since ) {
('--since={0}' -f $Since.ToString('u') )
$binArgs -join ' ' | Write-verbose -verbose
if( $WhatIf ) { return }
& git @binArgs
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