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Last active April 19, 2020 19:35
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Small script that can retrieve CTF stats for a player or from a CTF game
import requests
from pyquery import PyQuery as pq
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
from tqdm.autonotebook import tqdm
# Note: from the imports, this requires pandas, numpy, tqdm, and pyquery (installable with pip or conda)
# classes to collect stats on
ctfClasses = """Archer
def extractCTFText(r):
"""Extracts the ctf section of the webpage
start = r.text.find("<!-- CTF Statistics -->")
end = r.text.find("<!-- Party Statistics -->", start)
if end - start > 0:
return pq(r.text[start:end])
return None
def extractClassText(d, ctfClass):
"""Returns the stats section of a particular class"""
return d(f"div#ctfAdditionalDetailsDisplay{ctfClass.upper()}").html()
def parsePlaytime(time):
"""Converts the playtime to units of days"""
d = 0
for div in time.split(' '):
if div[-1] == 'y':
d += int(div[:-1]) * 365
elif div[-1] == 'd':
d += int(div[:-1])
elif div[-1] == 'h':
d += int(div[:-1]) / 24.0
elif div[-1] == 'm':
d += int(div[:-1]) / (24.0 * 60)
elif div[-1] == 's':
d += int(div[:-1]) / (24.0 * 3600)
d += 0
return d
def parseClassText(text):
"""Parses a section of a class
- stats: a pandas Series of the class stats
labels = [li.text[:-2] for li in pq(text)("li")]
stats = [span.text for span in pq(text)(".stat-kills")]
stats[0] = parsePlaytime(stats[0])
stats = [float(x) for x in stats]
if not "HP Restored" in labels:
labels.append("HP Restored")
if not "Headshots" in labels:
labels = [l.lower().replace(' ', '_') for l in labels]
return pd.Series({labels[i]: stats[i] for i in range(min(len(labels), len(stats)))})
def getPlayerStats(player):
"""Retrieves the CTF stats of a particular player
- stats: Dictionary of stats for each class as well as an aggregate (accessible with `stats["Total"]`). Returns `None` if
there is no player found for that name
- response: Raw HTTP response
Get the stats of a player
stats, response = getPlayerStats("915")
Then view stats breakdown:
stats["Elf"] # stats for Elf class
stats["Elf"]["flags_captured"] # flags captured while Elf
stats["Total"]["kdr"] # overall KDR (please don't look, it's horrible)
r = requests.get(f"{player}")
if r.status_code == 200:
ctf = extractCTFText(r)
if ctf is None:
return (None, r)
stats = {c: parseClassText(extractClassText(ctf, c)) for c in ctfClasses}
overallStats = sum([stats[c] for c in ctfClasses])
overallStats["kdr"] = overallStats["kills"] / overallStats["deaths"]
stats["Total"] = overallStats.dropna()
return (stats, r)
return (None, r)
# for later use in filtering games
match_server = ""
def extractTable(html, overall = True):
"""Gets the stats table from the page
- overall: True for overall stats. False for player stats.
d = pq(html)
index = 0 if overall else 1
return d("table")[index]
def parseStatTable(table, detailed=False):
"""Takes the table and converts it to a DataFrame"""
elem = list(table.iterchildren())
header = list(elem[0].itertext())[1:-1]
df = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=header)
if detailed:
for e in elem[1:]:
text = list(e.itertext())
text[2:] = [float(value) for value in text[2:]]
stat_row = pd.Series({z[0]: z[1] for z in zip(header, text)})
stat_row["kdr"] = stat_row["kills"] / stat_row["deaths"] if stat_row["deaths"] != 0 else 0.0
df = df.append(stat_row, ignore_index=True)
for e in elem[1:]:
text = list(e.itertext())
text[1:] = [float(value) for value in text[1:]]
stat_row = pd.Series({z[0]: z[1] for z in zip(header, text)})
stat_row["kdr"] = stat_row["kills"] / stat_row["deaths"] if stat_row["deaths"] != 0 else 0.0
df = df.append(stat_row, ignore_index=True)
return df
def getMostRecentGame():
r = requests.get("")
d = pq(r.text)
return int(list(d("a")[0].itertext())[0])
def getMatch(game_id):
r = requests.get("", {"game": game_id})
overalltable = extractTable(r.text)
detailedTable = extractTable(r.text, overall=False)
stats = parseStatTable(overalltable)
detailedStats = parseStatTable(detailedTable, detailed=True)
detailedStats = detailedStats[detailedStats.playtime > 0.0]
return (stats, detailedStats)
def getOverallGameStats(game_id):
"""Gets the overall statistics from the game that has id `game_id`
- stats: A pandas DataFrame with the rows corresponding to players and the columns corresponding to particular stats
First get the stats table (e.g. for game 246819)
stats = getOverallGameStats(246819)
Access a particular player's stats
player = "SirLeo"
sirLeoStats = stats[ == player]
View particular properties
sirLeoStats["flags_captured"] # captured flags
sirLeoStats["kdr"] # kdr
r = requests.get("", {"game": game_id})
overalltable = extractTable(r.text)
stats = parseTable(overalltable)
return stats
def parseGameTable(table):
"""Takes the table and converts it to a DataFrame"""
elem = list(table.iterchildren())
header = list(elem[0].itertext())[1:-1]
df = pd.DataFrame(None, columns=header)
for e in elem[1:]:
text = list(e.itertext())
if not "ctfmatch" in text[3]:
stat_row = pd.Series({z[0]: z[1] for z in zip(header, text)})
df = df.append(stat_row, ignore_index=True)
return df
def getCompetitiveStats(player, n=-1, show_progress=True, save=True, core_stats=True):
"""Aggregates the n most recent games on the match server by class
- player: The player's stats to retrieve
- n: Number of most recent games to sift through. Leave n=-1 for all time stats
(caution, may take a long time). Default -1
- show_progress: Show a progress bar. Default True
- save: If True, saves stats to player-n.csv
- core_stats: If True, saves only important stats (i.e. pvp, caps/recovs, medic healing, and playtime)
- df: A pandas DataFrame grouped by class (`kit_type`)
Get 40 most recent games for ItalianPenguin, and saves the core stats to 'ItalianPenguin-40.csv'
df = getCompetitiveStats("ItalianPenguin", n=40)
res = None
r = requests.get("", {"player": player})
table = extractTable(r.text)
df = parseGameTable(table)
important_stats = ["playtime", "kills", "deaths", "kdr", "flags_captured",
"flags_recovered", "flags_stolen", "flags_dropped", "damage_dealt",
"damage_received", "hp_restored"]
if n > 0:
df = df.tail(n)
iter_ = tqdm(df["game_id"]) if show_progress else df["game_id"]
except KeyError:
print(f"Bad name {player}")
return None
for game in iter_:
stats = getMatch(game)[1]
stats = stats[ == player]
if res is None:
res = stats.groupby('kit_type').sum()
res = res.append(stats.groupby('kit_type').sum())
except IndexError:
res = res.groupby('kit_type').sum()
res['kdr'] = res['kills'] / res['deaths']
if core_stats:
res = res[important_stats]
if save:
label = "all-time" if n < 1 else n
return res
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