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Last active October 1, 2020 19:42
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Script that can visualize how images (like banners or sprays) would look in Minecraft 1.8
using Colors
using Images
using ProgressMeter
using Distributed
# 1.8 base colors, see
baseColors = [0 0 0;
127 178 56;
247 233 163;
167 167 167;
255 0 0;
160 160 255;
167 167 167;
0 124 0;
255 255 255;
164 168 184;
183 106 47;
112 112 112;
64 64 255;
104 83 50;
255 252 245;
216 127 51;
178 76 216;
102 153 216;
229 229 51;
127 204 25;
242 127 165;
76 76 76;
153 153 153;
76 127 153;
127 63 178;
51 76 178;
102 76 51;
102 127 51;
153 51 51;
25 25 25;
250 238 77;
92 219 213;
74 128 255;
0 217 58;
21 20 31;
112 2 0;
126 84 48]
# compute the variants
mapColors = map(eachrow(baseColors)) do color
[RGB((floor.(color .* mult) ./ 255)...) for mult in [255 180 220 135] ./ 255]
# restructure so that each element of the array is an RGB element corresponding to a color variant
mapColors = hcat(mapColors...)[1, :]
closestPixel(pixel::RGB; metric=DE_2000())
Maps the pixel (given in RGB from Colors.jl) to the closest permitted color in Minecraft 1.8 using the Delta-E color metric. Optionally
takes another color metric to use. Returns a color from `mapColors`.
function closestPixel(pixel::RGB; m=DE_2000())
Δ = colordiff.(pixel, mapColors; metric=m)
Δ₀ = mapColors[argmin(Δ)]
mcConvert(img; metric=DE_2000())
Converts an image using as many available processes as possible (can do distributed computing with the Distributed library).
# Example
Load an image and convert it with 4 processes
julia> using Distributed
julia> addprocs(4) # or start julia with 'julia -p 4'
julia> @everywhere include("BannerDisplay.jl") # imports this file in all the processes
julia> img = load("test.png")
julia> R = mcConvert(img)
# then can show images with Plots.jl or save them
function mcConvert(img; metric=DE_2000())
img = RGB.(img)
# Distributed computing, shows progressbar and number of processes.
println("Starting with $(nworkers()) processes...")
R = @showprogress pmap(eachcol(img)) do px # column-wise operations are faster in Julia
rgb = closestPixel.(px)
return hcat(R...) # convert our array of arrays to a single matrix of pixels
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Original image (1920x1080):
Color Booster
In MC 1.8:
Color Booster - MC

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