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Last active November 25, 2015 04:51
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Dlang non blocking messaging
import std.stdio;
import std.concurrency;
import std.conv;
import core.thread;
shared class Msg
string value;
Msg next = null;
Tid from;
this( string value = "" )
this.value = value;
this.from = cast(shared(Tid)) thisTid;
alias shared( Msg[ Tid ] ) Queue;
synchronized shared Queue[ Tid ] bus;
void main()
auto cluster = new Cluster;;
class Actor
void run()
shared Msg[ Tid ] msgs;
bus[ thisTid ] = msgs;
abstract void main();
Tid start( A )()
return spawn( function(){
auto actor = new A;;
void eatInfinite()
while( true ) {
Thread.sleep( dur!("msecs")( 1 ) );
bool eatAll()
bool someEated;
do {
someEated = false;
foreach( Tid tid , ref shared Msg msg ; bus[ thisTid ] ) {
if( !msg ) continue;
if( ! ) continue;
msg = ; cast(Tid) msg.from , msg.value );
someEated = true;
} while( someEated );
return someEated;
void eat( Tid from , string value )
writeln( "Received: " ,!string , value );
void feed( Tid to , string value )
shared Msg last;
if( thisTid !in bus[ to ] ) {
last = bus[ to ][ thisTid ] = new shared Msg;
} else {
last = bus[ to ][ thisTid ];
while( ) last =; = new shared Msg( value );
class Cluster : Actor
override void main()
foreach( uint id ; 0 .. 4 ) {
auto childTid = this.start!Worker;
class Worker : Actor
override void main()
foreach( int i ; 1 .. 5 ){
Thread.sleep( dur!("msecs")( 0 ) );
this.feed( ownerTid , "Hey, " ~!string );
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