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Forked from qgerome/
Created March 14, 2019 10:53
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How to compare or diff 2 pip freeze or 2 requirements.txt in Python
pip install click
import click
import itertools
def split_package(line):
result = line.split('==')
if not len(result) == 2:
result = line.split('@')
if not len(result) == 2:
if line.startswith('-e'):
# OK, I'll give a try but ONLY if you use the #egg in the end of the str
result = line.split('#egg=')[1].split('-')
result = '-'.join(result[:-1]), result[-1]
raise Exception('Weird result of splitting: %s' % result)
return map(lambda x: x.strip(), result)
def packages(freeze_f):
for line in freeze_f.readlines():
package, version = split_package(line)
yield package, version
def merge_packages(*freezes):
all_keys = set(itertools.chain(*[freeze.keys() for freeze in freezes]))
for k in all_keys:
versions = []
for freeze in freezes:
versions.append(freeze.get(k, None)) # Add the version for the package
yield k, versions
def is_unique_value(l):
Checks if all elements in l are the same
:param l: list of str
return not l or l.count(l[0]) == len(l)
def compare(old_packages, new_packages):
:type old_packages: dict
:type new_packages: dict
requirements = dict(merge_packages(old_packages, new_packages))
for package_name, versions in requirements.iteritems():
if not is_unique_value(versions):
click.echo("{package}: {versions}".format(package=package_name, versions=versions))
@click.argument("old", type=click.File('rb'))
@click.argument("new", type=click.File('rb'))
@click.option('-v', '--verbose', count=True)
def diff(old, new, verbose=False):
click.echo("Diff between {0} and {1}".format(old, new))
old_packages = dict(packages(old))
new_packages = dict(packages(new))
compare(old_packages, new_packages)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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