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Created December 8, 2012 13:51
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sample of css gtk styling for hover
GtkButton.nasz_button { background-image: url('sciezka_do_img'); }
GtkButton.nasz_button:hover { background-image: url('sciezka_do_innego_img'); }
from gi.repository import Gtk, Gio
def main():
window = Gtk.Window()
random_button = Gtk.Button('Przycisk')
styler = Gtk.CssProvider()
css_file = Gio.file_new_for_path('style.css')
styler.load_from_file(css_file) # Da sie zrobic load_from_data, ale god knows how, jakis bytearray trzeba dac
window_context = window.get_style_context()
window_context.add_provider_for_screen(window.get_screen(), styler, Gtk.STYLE_PROVIDER_PRIORITY_APPLICATION)
random_button.get_style_context().add_class('nasz_button') # remove class tez jest, nie podnosi bledu jak nie trafi
# Istnieje tez mozliwosc dodania odpowiednika id dla obiektu, ale nie udalo mi sie tego zmusic do dzialania
haha = main()
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