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Niko Schmuck nikos

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yanivmn /
Last active July 26, 2024 22:56 — forked from bmaupin/
Comparison of open-source SSO implementations
Aerobase Keycloak WSO2 Identity Server Gluu CAS OpenAM Shibboleth IdP
OpenID Connect/OAuth support yes yes yes yes yes yes third-party
Multi-factor authentication yes yes yes yes yes yes yes
Admin UI yes yes yes yes yes yes no
OpenJDK support yes yes yes yes no
Identity brokering yes yes yes
Middleware NGINX, Wildfly Wildfly, JBOSS WSO2 Carbon Jetty, Apache HTTPD any Java app server any Java app server Jetty, Tomc
bmaupin /
Last active September 19, 2024 16:45
Comparison of some open-source SSO implementations

ⓘ This list is not meant to be exhaustive and is not guaranteed to be maintained. See the comments for updates and alternative options.

(Items in bold indicate possible concerns)

Keycloak WSO2 Identity Server Gluu CAS OpenAM Shibboleth IdP
OpenID Connect/OAuth support yes yes yes yes yes yes
Multi-factor authentication yes yes yes yes yes yes
Admin UI yes yes yes yes yes no
OpenJDK support yes yes partial² yes
;; try this form-by-form at a REPL
(require '[clojure.spec.alpha :as s])
;; create an inline DSL to describe the FizzBuzz world
(defmacro divides-by
[nm n]
`(s/def ~nm (s/and pos-int? #(zero? (mod % ~n)))))
;; specify FizzBuzz
(divides-by ::fizz 3)
# data from
# Originally seen at
# So, this blew up on both Reddit and Twitter. Two bugs fixed (southern Spain was a mess,
# and some countries where missing -- measure twice, submit once, damnit), and two silly superflous lines removed after
# @hadleywickham pointed that out. Also, switched from geom_segment to geom_line.
# The result of the code below can be seen at
erikaheidi /
Last active February 23, 2022 02:13
Auto renewal for Let's Encrypt Apache
# Let's Encrypt renewal script for Apache on Ubuntu/Debian
# @author Erika Heidi<>
# Usage: ./ [base-domain-name]
# More info:
vinhkhuc /
Last active December 22, 2021 11:52
Simple Feedforward Neural Network using TensorFlow
# Implementation of a simple MLP network with one hidden layer. Tested on the iris data set.
# Requires: numpy, sklearn>=0.18.1, tensorflow>=1.0
# NOTE: In order to make the code simple, we rewrite x * W_1 + b_1 = x' * W_1'
# where x' = [x | 1] and W_1' is the matrix W_1 appended with a new row with elements b_1's.
# Similarly, for h * W_2 + b_2
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
from sklearn import datasets
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split
Deraen /
Last active October 1, 2019 08:40
Compojure-api and Buddy
  • (:identity req) is auth backend independent way to access user data
  • login and logout implementation depends on auth backend
  • :current-user doesn't imply that authentication is required, route should also have :auth-rules if authentication is required
protrolium /
Last active September 20, 2024 16:28
ffmpeg guide


Converting Audio into Different Formats / Sample Rates

Minimal example: transcode from MP3 to WMA:
ffmpeg -i input.mp3 output.wma

You can get the list of supported formats with:
ffmpeg -formats

You can get the list of installed codecs with:

joost /
Last active December 14, 2022 07:34
Resize boot2docker VirtualBox image
# Steps we will take:
# 1. Change boot2docker image type (this will take long)
# 2. Resize image
# 3. Resize partion (using GParted)
# Also see:
# Stop boot2docker
boot2docker stop
jstaffans /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:14
ClojureD notes

Notes from ClojureD 24.1.2015

Albrecht Schmidt: "Start your engine: My Clojure Bot in the Hello World Open 2014"

  • Hello World Open: programming contest organised by Reaktor and Supercell with ~2500 teams, worldwide distribution
    • Client-server car race, cards driven with some parameters such as decelerate/accelerate, change lanes
    • Organisers provided test server with simple testing UI
  • Parameters for car are quite simple: current angle, position etc
  • Clojure works well for processing simple data structures like this - analysis, storing, examining
  • Used Incanter to plot bot data during test (throttles vs. angles)