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Last active April 17, 2023 18:29
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Sentry: Automate setup of alerting rules for a project
import argparse
import json
import os
import requests
ORG_SLUG = "..."
OWNER_TEAM = "..."
"slack-ops": {
"name": "slack-ops",
"filters": [
"id": "sentry.rules.filters.level.LevelFilter",
"match": "gte",
"level": "40",
"channel_name": "ops",
"environment": "production",
"slack-ops-other": {
"name": "slack-ops-other",
"filters": [
"id": "sentry.rules.filters.level.LevelFilter",
"match": "gte",
"level": "30",
"attribute": "environment",
"match": "ne",
"value": "production",
"id": "sentry.rules.filters.event_attribute.EventAttributeFilter",
"channel_name": "ops-other",
"environment": None,
def rule_payload(
rule: dict, workspace_id: str = SLACK_WORKSPACE_ID, frequency=720, owner=OWNER_TEAM
return {
"conditions": [
{"id": "sentry.rules.conditions.every_event.EveryEventCondition"}
"filters": rule["filters"],
"actions": [
"tags": "environment,url",
"workspace": workspace_id,
"id": "sentry.integrations.slack.notify_action.SlackNotifyServiceAction",
"channel": rule["channel_name"],
"actionMatch": "all",
"filterMatch": "all",
"frequency": frequency,
"name": rule["name"],
"owner": owner,
"environment": rule["environment"],
def _request(path, method="post", paginate=False, parse_json=True, **kwargs):
AUTH_TOKEN = os.getenv(
) # A token with scopes project:read,project:write fetched from
headers = {"Authorization": f"Bearer {AUTH_TOKEN}"}
url = f"{path}"
res = requests.request(method, url, headers=headers, **kwargs)
if paginate and res.links.get("next", {}).get("results", False):
params = {"cursor": res.links["next"]["cursor"]}
return res.json() + _request(path, method=method, params=params, **kwargs)
return res.json() if parse_json else res
def list_projects():
path = "/projects/"
res = _request(path, method="get", paginate=True)
return res
def list_rules(app: str, org: str):
path = f"/projects/{org}/{app}/rules/"
res = _request(path, method="get", paginate=True)
return res
def fetch_rule(app: str, rule_id: int, org: str):
path = f"/projects/{org}/{app}/rules/{rule_id}/"
res = _request(path, method="get")
return res
def create_rule(app: str, data: dict, org: str):
path = f"/projects/{org}/{app}/rules/"
res = _request(path, json=data)
return res
def delete_rule(app: str, rule_id: int, org: str):
path = f"/projects/{org}/{app}/rules/{rule_id}/"
_request(path, method="delete", parse_json=False)
except requests.exceptions.HTTPError:
return False
return True
def main(
apps: list[str],
all_apps: bool,
create_rules: bool,
prune_rules: bool,
list_apps: bool,
org: str,
if list_apps:
print(json.dumps([project["slug"] for project in list_projects()], indent=2))
if all_apps:
apps = [project["slug"] for project in list_projects()]
for app in apps:
fresh_rules = list_rules(app, org)
existing = {rule["name"] for rule in fresh_rules}
if create_rules:
for name, rule in SLACK_RULES.items():
if name in existing:
print(f"Rule with {name=} already exists, skipping...")
data = rule_payload(rule)
create_rule(app, data, org)
if prune_rules:
to_delete = existing - set(SLACK_RULES.keys())
for rule in to_delete:
rule_id = [r for r in fresh_rules if r["name"] == rule][0]["id"]
delete_rule(app, rule_id, org)
if not create_rules and not prune_rules:
print(json.dumps(fresh_rules, indent=2))
if __name__ == "__main__":
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
description="Update sentry project with a set of standard rules"
parser.add_argument("--apps", nargs="*")
parser.add_argument("--list-apps", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--all", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--create", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--prune", action="store_true")
parser.add_argument("--org", default=ORG_SLUG)
args = parser.parse_args()
main(args.apps, args.all, args.create, args.prune, args.list_apps,
Copy link

This script only works if you have 100 or less projects because it doesn't check the Link HTTP Header for the paginated links.

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This script only works if you have 100 or less projects because it doesn't check the Link HTTP Header for the paginated links.

Added some untested Link HTTP header handling

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