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Created August 21, 2017 16:41
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//This section is for user inputted data to make the code personalized to the particular controller
//shield drop
#define sw_notch_x_value -.7000
#define sw_notch_y_value -.7000
#define se_notch_x_value .7000
#define se_notch_y_value -.7000
//record southwest and southeast notch values
//to switch to dolphin mode hold dpad right for 5 seconds
//to return to a stock controller hold dpad left for 10 seconds
Install Intructions:
1. connect arduino to computer and make sure proper board [Arduino Nano], processor [ATmega328], and COM port [highest number] are selected under Tools
2. hit the upload button (the arrow) and wait for it to say "Done Uploading" at the bottom before disconnecting the arduino
3. connect 5V and Gnd from GCC header to 5V and Gnd pins on arduino (do not sever either wire)
4. sever data wire between GCC cable and header on controller
5. connect D2 on arduino to data header on controller, and D3 to data wire from cable
6. ensure no wires are caught anywhere and close everything up
Note: if there is any trouble with steps 1 or 2, get the CH340 driver for your operating system from google
#include "Nintendo.h"
CGamecubeController controller(2); //sets D2 on arduino to read data from controller
CGamecubeConsole console(3); //sets D3 on arduino to write data to console
Gamecube_Report_t gcc; //structure for controller state
bool shield, tilt, dolphin = 0, off = 0;
byte axm, aym, cxm, cym, cycles;
char ax, ay, cx, cy, buf;
float swang, seang;
word mode, toggle;
unsigned long n;
void convertinputs(){
perfectangles(); //reduces deadzone of cardinals and gives steepest/shallowest angles when on or near the gate
maxvectors(); //snaps sufficiently high cardinal inputs to vectors of 1.0 magnitude of analog stick and c stick
shielddrops(); //allows shield drops down and gives a 6 degree range of shield dropping centered on SW and SE gates
backdash(); //fixes dashback by imposing a 1 frame buffer upon tilt turn values
dolphinfix(); //ensures close to 0 values are reported as 0 on the sticks to fix dolphin calibration and allows user to switch to dolphin mode for backdash
nocode(); //function to disable all code if dpad left is held for 5 seconds
} //more mods to come!
void perfectangles(){
if(axm>75){gcc.xAxis = (ax>0)?204:52; if(aym<23) gcc.yAxis = (ay>0)?151:105;}
if(aym>75){gcc.yAxis = (ay>0)?204:52; if(axm<23) gcc.xAxis = (ax>0)?151:105;}
void maxvectors(){
if (axm > 75 && aym < 9) {
gcc.xAxis = (ax > 0) ? 255 : 1;
gcc.yAxis = 128;
if (aym > 75 && axm < 9) {
gcc.yAxis = (ay > 0) ? 255 : 1;
gcc.xAxis = 128;
if (cxm > 75 && cym < 23) {
gcc.cxAxis = (cx > 0) ? 255 : 1;
gcc.cyAxis = 128;
if (cym > 75 && cxm < 23) {
gcc.cyAxis = (cy > 0) ? 255 : 1;
gcc.cxAxis = 128;
void shielddrops(){
shield = gcc.l||gcc.r||gcc.left>74||gcc.right>74||gcc.z;
if(ax<0&&abs(ang(axm,aym)-swang)<4){gcc.yAxis = 73; gcc.xAxis = 73;}
if(ax>0&&abs(ang(axm,aym)-seang)<4){gcc.yAxis = 73; gcc.xAxis = 183;}
}else if(abs(ay+39)<17&&axm<23) gcc.yAxis = 73;
void backdash(){
if(axm<23)buf = cycles;
if(buf>0){buf--; if(axm<64) gcc.xAxis = 128+ax*(axm<23);}
}else buf = 0;
void dolphinfix(){
if(axm<5&&aym<5){gcc.xAxis = 128; gcc.yAxis = 128;}
if(cxm<5&&cym<5){gcc.cxAxis = 128; gcc.cyAxis = 128;}
if(gcc.dright&&mode<2500) dolphin = dolphin||(mode++>2000);
else mode = 0;
cycles = 3 + (6*dolphin);
void nocode(){
if(n == 0) n = millis();
off = off||(millis()-n>2000);
}else n = 0;
float ang(float xval, float yval){return atan(yval/xval)*57.2958;} //function to return angle in degrees when given x and y components
float mag(char xval, char yval){return sqrt(sq(xval)+sq(yval));} //function to return vector magnitude when given x and y components
void setup(){
gcc.origin=0; gcc.errlatch=0; gcc.high1=0; gcc.errstat=0; //init values
swang = ang(abs(sw_notch_x_value), abs(sw_notch_y_value)); //calculates angle of SW gate based on user inputted data
seang = ang(abs(se_notch_x_value), abs(se_notch_y_value)); //calculates angle of SE gate based on user inputted data
void loop(){;
gcc = controller.getReport();
ax = gcc.xAxis -128; ay = gcc.yAxis -128; //offsets from nuetral position of analog stick
cx = gcc.cxAxis-128; cy = gcc.cyAxis-128; //offsets from nuetral position of c stick
axm = abs(ax); aym = abs(ay); //magnitude of analog stick offsets
cxm = abs(cx); cym = abs(cy); //magnitude of c stick offsets
if(!off) convertinputs(); //implements all the fixes (remove this line to unmod the controller)
console.write(gcc); //sends controller data to the console
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