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Last active July 15, 2019 13:38
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Generate Slug PHP (Safe/clean urls) Original resource:
echo slugify('Hello World///&?Welcome'); // hello-world-welcome
* Generates a slug from the given string
* @param $input The input string
* @param string $replacement The character/string to use as the replacement value
* @return mixed|string
function slugify($input, $replacement = '-') {
if (empty($input)) return '';
// replace non letter or digits
$input = preg_replace('~[^\pL\d]+~u', $replacement, $input); // tilde is only used as a delimiter instead of '/'
// transliterate
$input = iconv('utf-8', 'us-ascii//TRANSLIT', $input);
// remove unwanted characters
$input = preg_replace('~[^'.$replacement.'\w]+~', '', $input);
// trim
$input = trim($input, $replacement);
// remove duplicate/multiple consecutive $replacement instances
$input = preg_replace('~'.$replacement.'+'.'~', $replacement, $input);
// lowercase
return strtolower($input);
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