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Forked from runspired/adapters.application.js
Created June 26, 2021 02:26
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nested save
import { Promise, defer } from 'rsvp';
import { get } from '@ember/object';
// a mock API response used below
const MOCK_PAYLOAD = {
person: {
id: '1',
name: 'Chris',
age: 33,
father: {
id: '2',
name: 'Tom',
age: 65
friends: [
{ id: '3', name: 'Rebecca', age: 32 },
{ id: '4', name: 'Wesley', age: 35 },
// the guts of the operation
// note that for this to work the transaction needs
// to be coupled to the response format the API will
// utilize in how it builds its `path` for locating
// the id later.
class Transaction {
records = new Map();
deferred = defer();
get promise() {
return deferred.promise;
constructor(snapshot) {
this.records.set(snapshot.record, true);
this.recursivelySave(snapshot, snapshot.modelName);
async resolve(payload) {
let completed = [];
this.records.forEach((promises, record) => {
if (promises === true) { return }
const { path, type } = promises;
let data = get(payload, path);
// we locationally (by path) map the id within the response
// back to the original record. By making sure the original
// record is assigned this ID when the primary payload is
// processed we don't end up with duplicates or records in an
// unsaved state.
promises.resolver.resolve({ data: {
id: `${}`
} });
await Promise.all(completed);
// add another delay for effect
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500));
return payload;
recursivelySave(snapshot, path = '<missing>') {
snapshot.eachRelationship((name, meta) => {
let related = snapshot[meta.kind](name);
if (related) {
if (Array.isArray(related)) {
related.forEach((r, index) => this.add(r, path + '.' + name + '.' + index));
} else {
this.add(related, path + '.' + name);
add(snapshot, path = '') {
// ignore this record if we're already saving it as part of the transaction
let record = snapshot.record;
if (this.records.has(record)) {
return false;
// initiate a save on the record
let resolver = defer();
let save ={ adapterOptions: { transaction: this } });
let promises = { save, resolver, path };
this.records.set(record, promises);
this.recursivelySave(snapshot, path);
return promises;
get(record) {
return this.records.get(record);
export default class AppAdapter {
static create() {
return new this();
createRecord() {
return this.saveRecordAndChildren(...arguments);
// in a real app the difference here may be a POST vs PUT or PATCH
// but we don't care so we're just going to send create and update
// through the same save path.
updateRecord() {
return this.saveRecordAndChildren(...arguments);
// you could cascade deletes this way too
deleteRecord() {}
async saveRecordAndChildren(store, ModelClass, snapshot) {
let transaction = snapshot.adapterOptions?.transaction;
if (!transaction) {
// we are the primary (originating) save call
transaction = new Transaction(snapshot);
} else {
// we are one of the nested saves
let promises = transaction.get(snapshot.record);
return promises.resolver.promise;
// simulate getting back a payload after some time spent
// on network
await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500));
return transaction.resolve(MOCK_PAYLOAD);
import Ember from 'ember';
export default Ember.Controller.extend({
appName: 'Ember Twiddle',
init() {
let store = this.get('store');
let user = store.createRecord('person', { name: 'Chris' });
let father = store.createRecord('person', { name: 'Tom' });
let friend1 = store.createRecord('person', { name: 'Rebecca' });
let friend2 = store.createRecord('person', { name: 'Wesley' });
let friends = user.friends;
user.father = father;
this.user = user;
// note if we only wanted to save specific related records
// and not all related records we could pass adapterOptions
// into this save with a list of which related props the transaction should include
// the transaction class here would need to be updated to then include only those vs the current recursive strategy
// the setTimeout here is just to add some delay so we
// can observe the states change
new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 1500))
.then(() =>;
import Model from 'ember-data/model';
import attr from 'ember-data/attr';
import { belongsTo, hasMany } from 'ember-data/relationships';
export default Model.extend({
name: attr(),
age: attr(),
father: belongsTo('person', { async: false, inverse: null }),
friends: hasMany('person', { async: false, inverse: 'friends' })
export default class MySerializer {
static create() {
return new this();
normalizeResponse(_, __, rawData) {
if ( {
return rawData;
const data = normalizePerson(rawData.person);
const included = [];
if (rawData.person.father) {
if (rawData.person.friends) {
rawData.person.friends.forEach(f => {
return { data, included };
function normalizePerson(person) {
const data = {
type: 'person',
id: `${}`,
attributes: {
age: person.age
relationships: {}
if (person.friends) {
data.relationships.friends = {
data: => { return { type: 'person', id: `${}` }; })
if (person.father) {
data.relationships.father = { data: { type: 'person', id: `${}` } }
return data;
<h1>Saving Related Records (Transactional Saves)</h1>
My user's name is <b>{{}}</b> age is <b>{{if this.user.age this.user.age 'unknown'}}</b> and ID is <b>{{if 'NULL'}}</b>
<br>Their state is: <b>{{this.user.currentState.stateName}}</b>
<b>{{}}</b> is their father. His age is <b>{{if this.user.father.age this.user.father.age 'unknown'}}</b> and ID is <b>{{if 'NULL'}}</b>
<br>His state is: <b>{{this.user.father.currentState.stateName}}</b>
Their friends are:
{{#each this.user.friends as |friend|}}
<b>{{}}</b> whose age is <b>{{if friend.age friend.age 'unknown'}}</b> and ID is <b>{{if 'NULL'}}</b>
<br>Their state is <b>{{friend.currentState.stateName}}</b>
"version": "0.15.1",
"EmberENV": {
"options": {
"use_pods": false,
"enable-testing": false
"dependencies": {
"jquery": "",
"ember": "3.18.1",
"ember-template-compiler": "3.18.1",
"ember-testing": "3.18.1"
"addons": {
"ember-data": "3.4.2"
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