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Last active November 22, 2021 09:11
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  • Save nidble/a1d24fb4cdc0544efb298fa202f0ea69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save nidble/a1d24fb4cdc0544efb298fa202f0ea69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Spared commands
netstat -tulpn
netstat -polenta
#ask for
dig +short
#ask at for foo.baz MX
dig @ foo.baz MX
ps axfww
tcpdump -n -S -s 0 -A 'tcp dst port 80' and src
# kill by port
kill $(lsof -t -ni:$PORT)
echo "${{secrets.DEPLOY_KEY}}" > deploy_key &&
chmod 600 ./deploy_key &&
rsync -chav --delete \
-e 'ssh -i ./deploy_key -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no' \
--exclude /.git/ \
--exclude /.github/ \
--exclude /node_modules/ \
./ ${{env.dest}}
strace -tt -T -f -p $(pgrep python)
sudo tcpdump -n -i any port 53 #(port 53, considering to add -A for more info)
# $@ all the parameters of git diff
# -1 the current file
fd() {
preview="git diff $@ --color=always -- {-1}"
git diff $@ --name-only | fzf -m --ansi --preview $preview
# s~
# \([^c_]*\) <- match and group all that not contain 'c_'
# c_a <- followed by 'c_'
# \([a-z0-9_]\+\.csv\)$ <- match and group all that match 1 or more char or digit or _ followed by '.csv'
# ~
# \1\2 <- substiture with first match ie: ./logs/2019/1/ and second match ie: delete_3_2019.csv
# ~
for file in $(find $FILES -type f -name "*csv"); do
newfile="$(echo $file | sed 's~\([^c_]*\)c_\([a-z0-9_]\+\.csv\)$~\1\2~')"
cp --verbose $file $newfile
rm $file
# considering an foo.txt with this content
# text quote estraction example
cat foo.txt | sed 's/^[^"]*"\([^"]*\)",/\1/g'
# start from beginning to first double quote, then capture te rest exluding double quote
and saw which files it opened, like this: (you have to scroll right to see the filenames)
$ strace -e openat -f esbuild blah.js --bundle --outfile=/dev/null
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/package.json", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/blah.js", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/node_modules/vue/package.json", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
openat(AT_FDCWD, "/home/bork/work/mess-with-dns/frontend/node_modules/vue/dist/vue.runtime.esm.js", O_RDONLY|O_CLOEXEC) = 3
diff <(sed -n 's/.*href="\([^"]*\).*/\1/pI' a.html | sed 's/\&amp;/\&/g' | sort) <(sed -n 's/.*href="\([^"]*\).*/\1/pI' b.html | sed 's/\&amp;/\&/g' | sort)
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