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Last active October 1, 2021 08:18
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k6 sample load testing script with variable think time, multiple scenarios, thresholds, test data, and correlation of dynamic values.
import http from 'k6/http';
import { sleep, check } from 'k6';
import { parseHTML } from "k6/html";
import papaparse from '';
import { SharedArray } from "k6/data";
const domain = ''; // Parameterize the domain to make it easier to change environments.
let token = 'NOT FOUND'; // Initialize the csrftoken variable.
Set up k6 to read from a CSV file named users.csv, which has two columns: username and password.
This uses a shared array so that the data is only sent to the virtual user at runtime when it is needed.
For more information on the shared array, check out:
const sharedData = new SharedArray("Shared Logins", function() {
let data = papaparse.parse(open('users.csv'), { header: true }).data;
return data;
Set up two scenarios to run concurrently.
The first scenario involves 20 users visiting the homepage.
The second scenario involves 5 users navigating to the Messages page and then logging in.
Both scenarios ramp up for 5 minutes, hold steady for 10 minutes, and then ramp down within 1 minute.
export let options = {
scenarios: {
home: {
executor: 'ramping-vus',
exec: 'S01_HomeOnly',
startVUs: 0,
stages: [
{ duration: '300s', target: 20 },
{ duration: '600s', target: 20 },
gracefulRampDown: '60s',
messages: {
executor: 'ramping-vus',
exec: 'S02_MessagesLogin',
startVUs: 0,
stages: [
{ duration: '300s', target: 5 },
{ duration: '600s', target: 5 },
// Set limits for acceptable performance during the load test.
thresholds: {
http_req_failed: ['rate<0.05'], // The HTTP error rate (HTTP 4xx or 5xx) should be less than 5%.
http_req_duration: ['p(95)<3000'], // 95% of requests should be below 3000 ms.
checks: ['rate>0.95'], // Checks should have a success rate of greater than 95%.
// Define Scenario 1.
export function S01_HomeOnly () {
// Define Scenario 2.
export function S02_MessagesLogin () {
//Visit the Home page.
export function VisitHomePage () {
// Do an HTTP GET of the homepage, and name this request 01_Home for ease of analysis.
let response = http.get(domain, {tags: { name: '01_Home' }});
// Verify text returned in the response. An HTTP 200 response means a page was returned; not necessarily the right one.
check(response, {
'01 - home page should contain expected body': (r) => r.body.includes("Collection of simple web-pages suitable for load testing")
// Add dynamic think time between 0 and 4s.
sleep(Math.random() * 5);
export function VisitMessagesPage () {
// Visit the Messages page and call this request 02_Messages for ease of analysis.
let messagesUrl = `${domain}/my_messages.php`;
let options = {
tags: {
name: '02_Messages',
let response = http.get(messagesUrl, options);
// Verify that "Unauthorized" is returned in the response.
check(response, {
'02 - messages page should contain expected body': (r) => r.body.includes("Unauthorized")
// Extract the csrfToken, which has a dynamic value, from the response.
let doc = parseHTML(response.body);
token = doc.find('input[name="csrftoken"]').val();
// Write the token to log for debugging purposes.
// console.log('token:', token);
// Add dynamic think time between 0 and 14s to allow for time to type login credentials.
sleep(Math.random() * 15);
export function LogIn () {
// Get random user from shared array created using the CSV file users.csv.
let randomUser = sharedData[Math.floor(Math.random() * sharedData.length)]
// Define the parameters to be sent with the HTTP POST, including credentials from users.csv.
let params = {
redir: '1',
login: randomUser.username,
password: randomUser.password,
csrftoken: token,
// Submit login credentials via an HTTP POST.
let response =
domain + '/login.php',
{tags: { name: '03_MessagesLogIn' }}
// Verify successful login by checking that the response contains "Welcome, username!"
check(response, {
'03_user should be logged in': (r) => r.body.includes('Welcome, ', randomUser.username, '!')
// Add dynamic think time between 0 and 4s.
sleep(Math.random() * 5);
username password
admin 123
test_user 1234
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