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Created October 4, 2011 05:11
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Save nicolaspayette/1260949 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Genetic Algorithm for choosing players in a hockey pool...
object Pool {
abstract sealed class Pos
case object Forwards extends Pos
case object Defensemen extends Pos
case object Goaltenders extends Pos
val posCounts: Map[Pos, Int] = Map(
Forwards -> 9,
Defensemen -> 6,
Goaltenders -> 2)
def format(name: String, pts: Int, salary: Double) = {
def padLeft(str: String, size: Int) = str + (" " * (size - str.size))
def padRight(str: String, size: Int) = (" " * (size - str.size)) + str
padLeft(name, 30) + padRight(pts.toString, 10) + "pts\t" + padRight("%4.2f".format(salary) + "M$", 10)
case class Player(name: String, team: String, pts: Int, salary: Double, pos: Pos) {
override def toString = format(name, pts, salary)
object LineUp {
private def generateRandom = {
val ps = for {
(pos, n) posCounts
p random(availablePlayers(pos)).take(n)
} yield p
new LineUp(ps.toSet)
def validatedStream(f: LineUp) = Stream.continually(f).filter(_.valid)
def randomStream = validatedStream(generateRandom)
case class LineUp(players: Set[Player]) {
import LineUp._
def playersAt(pos: Pos) = players.filter(_.pos == pos)
def totalSalary =
def totalPoints =
def fitness = totalPoints * 10 - totalSalary
override def toString = "\n====\n" +
players.toSeq.groupBy(_.pos).map {
case (pos, ps) pos + ":\n" +
ps.toSeq.sortBy(0 - _.pts).mkString("\n") + "\n" +
format("Total:",, +
}.mkString("\n") +
"\n" + format("Grand total:", totalPoints, totalSalary)
def valid = (totalSalary <= 64.3) &&
players.groupBy(_.pos).forall {
case (pos, ps) ps.size == posCounts(pos)
private def mutate: LineUp = {
val out = random(players).head
val in = random(availablePlayers(out.pos)).head
LineUp(players - out + in)
def mutants = validatedStream(mutate)
val rnd = new scala.util.Random(System.currentTimeMillis)
def random[T](xs: TraversableOnce[T]) =
def randomInts(n: Int) = {
def picks(picked: Set[Int]): Stream[Int] =
rnd.nextInt(n) match {
case _ if (picked.size == n) Stream.empty
case i if (picked contains i) picks(picked)
case i i #:: picks(picked + i)
def readCSV(fileName: String, pos: Pos) =
.map(a Player(a(0), a(1), a(2).toInt, a(3).toDouble, pos))
val availablePlayers: Map[Pos, IndexedSeq[Player]] = Map(
Forwards -> readCSV("forwards.csv", Forwards),
Defensemen -> readCSV("defs.csv", Defensemen),
Goaltenders -> readCSV("goalies.csv", Goaltenders))
def tournament(xs: TraversableOnce[LineUp], size: Int): Stream[LineUp] =
random(xs).take(size).maxBy( #:: tournament(xs, size)
def GA(nbIter: Int, popSize: Int, tournamentSize: Int) = {
def loop(iter: Int, pop: Seq[LineUp]): LineUp = {
val best = pop.maxBy(
println("\nBest of generation " + iter + best)
if (iter == nbIter)
else {
val newPop = for {
_ Stream.continually()
x = tournament(pop, tournamentSize).head
y = (x.mutants take 5) maxBy (
} yield y
loop(iter + 1, best +: newPop.take(popSize - 1))
val initialPop = LineUp.randomStream.take(popSize)
loop(0, initialPop)
def main(args: Array[String]) {
GA(500, 500, 10)
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